Broken, but not Broken Forever part eight

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Rose felt herself grab the chair to stop herself from falling off and to calm herself. Was this real?, no, she had to be dreaming, there was no way her favorite artist, Prince  was in front of her. Her eyes took in his slight frame, the heels, the tailored black suit, his hazel eyes, his neatly cut trimmed hair, with a nice beard. Pictures always told of his looks, but right here in person, Rose realized that pictures did no justice . How was this even possiable?.  Just stay calm Rose, she told herself, it's not cute to act like a fanatic . Then it hit her, if he was the one that entered then,

he was the biological father of Sarah. This was unbelievable to Rose. Prince then stuck out his hand " Nice to meet you" he said. Rose paused for a moment until it kicked in and she returned the hand shack. Prince took a seat across from her. Elaine then started to talk . I assure you Ms. Avon, Mr. Nelson, that we are so sorry for the mix up, I'am sure that we can find a way to work this out". Then Prince chimed in." I had a relationship with a woman named Carmen" he stopped when he saw the shock look on Rose face. He picked up that she might be thinking he

ment Carmen Electra. " Another Carmen " he said.  Her " ohhh" expression proved to him that's what she was thinking . " I know people think otherwise , but there was nothing romantic between me and Carmen Electra, also I didn't named the other Carmen, in case your wondering" he added. Rose couldn't help it, she chuckled. Prince took joy in making her laugh. He continued his story."  Carmen and I was together for a while, I did some things wrong, but I had hoped it would work out between us, then one day she just left me without a word, I had 

wondered if she was showing signs of being pregnant , but since she never said anything I just thought she wasn't after all, but it was always in the back of my mind, so one day I looked into it and found out she had been pregnant and gave the child up. Rose really felt for him, he deserved to know his daughter, he didn't deserve to have that happen to him ." I'am sorry " she said softly . Rose was so surprise at how at ease she was starting to feel around Prince . She saw he was just a father wanting to know his daughter, his daughter that she adopted. She had to 

also admit, he was one beautiful man. Prince eyes flashed brightly " You shouldn't feel sorry about anything , if anything I want to thank you for taking care of her, I can tell that she has a good home" he said. Rose blushed at his compliment.  Prince wished he could see more of that blush in the future and maybe not in a all that innocent situation, but for now it was all about his daughter Sarah and what was best for her. Elaine then took over going over what could be worked out. Then they left so that Prince and Rose could talk alone. Rose and Prince was glad

because they rather talk this out themselves anyway. " Can I ask you something?"  asked Prince. Rose nodded. " What is she like?" he asked. Rose smiled thinking about Sarah. " She's smart, she loves animals, disney movies and going to parks, she makes friends easily, she is very kind, and she loves to play the piano" Prince's eyes got big, his baby took to music like him. Then it was Rose's eyes that got big, her daugheter's talent finally explained. She had got it from her father. Suddenly the idea of losing her daughter came back again. " So, how are we  going to work this out?"  she asked almost afraid of his answer.

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