Echoes of the Heart epilogue

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Two years Later

" Baby, I made you some breakfast" said Prince coming into the bedroom. We had been married a year now and I couldn't be more happy, He really did spoil me" I hadn't been feeling good for the past week. I made a appointment to see the doctor the next day. I looked at the plate and my stomach just didn't want it. which was heartbreaking to me because I loved his omelettes . " Can you just try a little bit " he asked worried. I looked at the plate again and my stomach said not going to happen. " I'am sorry baby" I said. " Try some tea, mama" he said. I took a slip and was

grateful. "Better?" he asked. " Much better" I said. " Why don't you get some more rest" Prince said giving me a kiss on the forehead . " OK, I said laying back down, I' am sorry about the omelette, I really wished i could eat it". " Don't worry about that, just rest" he said tucking me in and slowly closing the door as he left. I thought back to how he proposed to me. He had been on tour for a while and had just came back. He said he wanted to take me out so we could have some time together. I said he should rest after coming off tour, but he wasn't having it.

First, He took me out to a Chaka Khan concert. I had a ball as I sang along to Sweet thing , I'am every woman, through the fire, tell me something good, and many others. I laughed as I saw Prince beam at me having a good time. Then she went into " I feel for you" I expected him to leave my side and join her on stage since it was his song." Baby don't you want to join her onstage?" I asked. He wrapped his arms around me. " No mama, I' am just enjoying having you here" he said, We can meet up with Chaka backstage". I must of had the biggest smile on my face

and I couldn't help it and Leaned in for a kiss. He returned the kiss with with equal passion. After the show we went backstage and met Chaka. Prince introduce me as his girlfriend. It felt so good to be acknowledged in that way. Afterwords he took me to a Lovely restaurant I never been to. " " What would you like honey?" he asked. I picked the least expensive thing on the menu. " It's my treat baby, pick what you really want" he said. I then order the steak and potatoes while he had the veggie soup. The food was so good. " Thank you this evening was perfect" I said

" That's not all" he said, a smile slowly coming across his face which gave him a even more youthful look. He took my hand in his. " Jewels these last few months have been amazing, I couldn't ask to be with anyone better, you really complete me" He said. I felt my eyes get watery and wipe them with the napkin as he continued talking" I look forward to what's ahead for us and I want you every step of the way with me, you are my soulmate, my other half, with that said.... I put my hand to my chest as I saw him get on one knee " Will you marry me?" " Yes, Yes, yes" i said my head shaking in agreement as the tears fell. He got up and claimed my lips with the sweetest kiss yet.

Present day

I couldn't believe it . I had just came back from the doctor' s office. I had postpone the doctor's appointment to take care of some things . Prince had a show in London to do and I told him he should go even know he didn't want to leave me. I told him I would call him when I got back from my appointment. I didn't know how to tell him... I was pregnant , four weeks along. I finally found the courage to dial his number. " Hey baby, how did the appointment go?, Every thing ok?" he asked. " I'am fine" I said softly. " Then what was the matter mama?'. It was now or never, I took

a deep breath. "Prince, I'am pregnant ". Suddenly I heard a loud thump. " Prince?, Prince?, hello?". I heard someone else pick up the phone, I recognized the voice ." Tony, what happened?" I asked concerned. " He Passed out" Tony said. " Is he ok?" I asked. " Yeah, he is coming to Jewels" Tony said handing the phone back to Prince. " What did you just say?" his voice a little shaky. I was worry he would pass out from the shock again. "Please, don't pass out again, that scared me, but I said I'am pregnant " . For a moment he didn't say anything. "Hello?" I said.

" I'm coming home" He said

eight months later

"Ok push!" said the doctor. I squeezed Prince's hand and pushed . "I"am sorry" I said knowing that I was squeezing the heck out his hand. "It's ok" he said knowing what I was talking about.."Just focus you can do it" . The pain hit me hard as I yelled at the top of my lungs " I SWEAR YOU ARE NOT TOUCHING ME EVER AGAIN!". Finally I felt a pop and heard a cry like I never heard before. "He has a set of lungs on him" said the doctor. "He?" asked Prince. We had decided to wait to see what we was having "Congratulations it's a boy" said the doctor . They cleaned the baby up and brought me the baby placing him in my arms. The baby was so cute I fell in love at once. Then I look over at Prince's face and could tell I wasn't the only one falling in love with the little guy. He looked like he wanted to hold him so bad. " Do you want to hold him?" I asked. The biggest smile came across his face as he nodded yes.

I carefully place him in Prince's arms. " Hey there little one, it's someone's special day" He said. I couldn't help but smile. " Do you still agree with the name?" asked Prince. Me and Prince had picked a name for if we had a girl and one for if we had a boy. I nodded .

"Welcome to our family Jonathan Ray Nelson" he said.

I couldn't stop smiling and I took back the mean thing I said when I was in pain

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I couldn't stop smiling and I took back the mean thing I said when I was in pain. " Baby, I'm sorry about what I said earlier, I was just...... He quickly kissed my lips. " Hush, no needed to explain" he said as he went back to cuddling Jonathan. 

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