Broken , but not Broken Forever part five

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Rose was at home, it was her day off. Sarah was at school. Rose had gotten some house work done and was enjoying some relaxing time before she had to go and pick up Sarah. Of course she put on some Prince music. " Housequake" was blasting through her stereo . Rose was jamming dancing around the house. One thing she loved about his music is that it was like a party, no matter where you was. It was also healing and made her happy. Which is why she believed that Sam didn't like it at all. Rose shook her head, " Stop thinking about him" she told herself " That's 

over". She continued to dance as next she played " Party man". Suddenly in the middle of her dancing the phone rang, she was almost upset it was breaking into her music time, but she quickly changed her mood when she thought about it could be about Sarah. Stopping the music. She went and picked up the phone." Hello ?"  she said in a chipper voice. " Is this Ms. Avon?" asked a quiet female voice on the other line. " Yes it is" said Rose continuing her chipper voice. " Ms. Avon this is Elaine from the adoption agency, I'am calling in regards to your daughter

Sarah" she said. Rose suddenly was nervous . Why was they calling?, she went through the legal process. " Is everything ok?" Rose asked almost afraid. " A situation has come up in regards of the girl's birthfather" the woman said. " I was told that he agreed to give the child up as well" said Rose. " Unknown to us, that is not the case" said the woman named Elaine." Wait, I'am not understanding" replied Rose. " The birthfather has just been confirmed and it's not the man who came in with the mother" said Elaine. " Now, I'am really lost" said Rose. " I don't want to get into details over the phone, but if you could come in we can discuss this, the father doesn't want to be a disruption I can assure you" said Elaine. Rose looked at the clock to see if she had enough time to pick Sarah up, drop her home, and get to the agency" " I'll be there at four" she said. Then hanged up the phone. " Please don't let him take my daughter" she thought.

" She will be here at four" said Elaine hanging up the phone. Prince nodded as he waited sitting in a chair. Early when he came into the agency they was surprised and shock not only to see the one and only Prince walking in, but when he said that he was the father of a child that he wasn't told about that was given up for adoption, their  reaction was priceless. If the situation wasn't so serious to him , he might have laughed. He told them the name of the woman that adopted the girl and the name of the birth mother, but still they was hasistant to call her with

the information. Prince pulled out the paper work to show that he took a test at the hospital that had Sarah's dna and proved to be the father.Elaine called the hospital to confirm it, only then did Elaine pick up the phone and called her. Prince listened as Elaine told the woman named Rose about the situation and he could tell from Elaine's replies that the woman on the other end felt overwhelmed with the situation, so did he the moment he found out he had a daughter he hadn't known about. He was sure that Rose had bonded with the little girl and loved her, so did he. He just wanted to get a chance to

Know his daughter. He told the people to not tell her that he was the father. He wasn't Prince the star, he was Prince Rogers Nelson, a man who wanted to know the daughter he never knew. Now all he had to do was wait for the woman to show up. He knew she wasn't bringing the daughter, so his focus right now was getting ready to communicate where he was with this situation. He taped his fingers on the chair. " Please don't see the star, please see the man, a man who just wants  to know his daughter " he thought as he continued to wait and watch the clock until she  arrived.

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