The Chef

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He was definitely sick, Prince  had came down with a bug , and wasn't feeling good at all . His tour was put on hold until he felt better. To add to the situation , his chef, Jeff suddenly had family issues and  he wouldn't be able to make it to paisley park, to fix him some soup. they  needed to find someone else. Kayla ,Prince's  assistant, was trying to contact anybody she knew to find one. She was  on the phone with a man named Dean , who said he been working with a woman who was just newly a chef , but she was showing  great talent, her name was  Y/ N. Kayla heard her boss coughing upstairs , she sighed "How soon can she be here?" Kayla asked

 The next day.

You couldn't believe it when  Dean called you into  his office  and said he had a job for you. " With who?"  You asked . " Ok , don't freak out ok?"  He said . " Who is it, Dean?, just tell me"  you said suddenly anxious to know who the person was. Dean pulled out a piece of paper and pen and wrote down the name handing it to you . You read it " Peter Bravestrong".  Suddenly your eyes get big. Dean knowing you knew who that was, being that you love his music and  followed him, simply nodded . " It's, it''s , you couldn't even say his name"  . " You can do this Y/N , he's really in need of a chef right now" said Dean.

" But there are  so many people with way more experience then me" you say, not wanting  to admit you was scared . Dean puts his hand of top of yours  for comfort . " I talk to his assistant Kayla. She is really worried about her boss, she wants the best for him to get better, and Y/N I know your right for the job" he says sincerely. You give a small smile. " You really think I'am the right person? ."  You ask . " You may not have been a chef as long as some others here, but you have a true talent Y/ N , you put love into your food, so, get on that plane and head to Minnesota , there is a purple man that needs you" Dean said.

Hours later

A taxi  pulls  up to the famous Paisley Park as you look out in awe. You get out the car and are greeted by a tall , slim , brown hair woman. " Y/ N" ? She asks " Yes" you answer shyly holding on to your cooking utensil kit. " Thank goodess, right this way" she says leading you into Paisley park into the kitchen . Suddenly you hear a deep cough coming from upstairs. One that you know came from  him. " We called the doctor , he will recover, he just needs care and that starts with his meals" Kayla said. You nod. " Dean said you was one of the best, I'am going ask you to make something, Let's start with soup" she said 

" Any kind you want in particular?"  you  ask  " I" ll leave that to your choice" Kayla said smiling. She shows you where anything is and you start cooking. Again you hear the cough from upstairs. "Excuse me, I'am going go get his medicine now " Kayla says leaving the kitchen . You decided that you like Kayla very much. You get back to cooking and decide to make a vegetable soup. The perfect thing for someone sick. Kayla comes back down stairs a few minutes later. " "Hmmmm that smells good" she says. You take a spoon and pour her a bowl of soup, giving it to her to taste . 


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She takes the spoon and tastes it.

You watch nervously. You see her eyes  get big and a smile gets wide across her face. " I never Taste a soup this good" she says as  she continues to finish off her bowl of soup. You smile hoping this gets you the job. After Kayla finish she puts the spoon down." Well, Y/ N , I do believe Dean was right about your cooking skills, you definitely have skills, P definitely needs you as the chef " she says . " P" ? You ask . She smiles  " We really don't call him Prince around here, he prefers to be called " P" especially by people he likes.  You give a " Ohhh, got it " look . She then stands up and  extends her hand to shake .  You shake her hand. " Congratulations Y/ N  ,  welcome to Paisley Park" she says.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2022 ⏰

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