Snow Bunny

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I can't believe it I'am stuck here at a ski lodge. I don't even like skiing!  Why am I here you asked? because my boss wanted to conduct business here and maybe do a upcoming show. Who does that? Who wants to do a show in winter at a ski lodge. I could be at home with my family, but no, my boss wanted me to work this holiday . Should've known since he was nothing more then a tyrant. Luckily my family understood because they understood who I worked for, you see I work for Prince. That's right the purple one himself. He might not celebrate Christmas,  but I do, and

I wanted to spend time with my family instead of spending it with a task master. At least Sheila and Cat was here too along with other band members . They are cool and I like spending time with them. Well actually I was cool with Cat, but for some reason lately she has been cold to me and I don't know why. I wasn't the only one tired and wanting to go home . The whole crew was.Plus a storm was coming and we really needed to get out become it came. " Are you going  to sit with a pout on your mouth all day?"  asked Prince  " I'am not pouting" I said 

defensively. " You lip so poked out you can trip on it" he said. As his assistant we was always butting heads and I hadn't a clue as to why he always seemed to be picking on me. I gave him a  look. " I am only playing Vanessa" he said in his best little boy voice. As much as he annoyed me, I had to admit it was moments like this when I thought he was actually cute.  I quickly brushed the thought out my head." Don't step into that lane" I warned myself. Just then Cat passed by us giving me another look." What is her problem? , I didn't do anything to her" I said to Prince.  he 

shrugged his shoulders " Women" he said. I gave him a whatever look. Cat should be the happiest one. Her and Prince are dating.  I couldn't understand what had changed our friendship. I got up and went to Sheila. " Can I talk to you?" I asked. " Sure"  said Sheila stepping aside so we could talk. " What's up with Cat?,  she has been giving major attitude "  "Yeah" agreed Sheila. " What's the deal" I asked.  Sheila looked around like she was looking to see if anyone was listening. " Cat and Prince broke up" she said finally. I was shocked " When?"  I 

asked. " Before we got here" said Sheila . I wondered why, but didn't ask her. The day was long and it was time to turn in. That's when we realized there was a room short. Two people would have to share a room." who's going to share a room?" asked Sheila .  " We will pick straws" said Prince " The two with the shortest ones, share a room". After some hot coco to warm us up, we picked straws and Prince and I came up with the shortest ones. "You got to be kidding me" I said. Cat huffed and Prince just stood there with a smile. We went into the room. One bed. " No funny 

business" I said. Prince raised his hand like a good boy scouts . " Scout' s honor" he said . We took turns going into the bathroom to change. He came out in pajamas that hugged his hips. Quick to keep focus I went into the bathroom. Dang! Why did I only have a flimsy nitegrown. I put on the robe, but that didn't help, you could still see my curves.  I came out the bathroom. Prince's  big Hazel eyes scan my body. I simply said " No". " No what?" He asked. " You know what, now move over to your side, so I can get some sleep. " Yes Ma'am " he said with a sly smile. I climbed 

in moving far over as I could. I could still feel his body heat. He chuckled at  my actions. " oh, hush!" I said fluffing my pillow then laying down. I was soon so tired that I went to sleep. I dreamed that strong arms was around me and that a warm inviting body was next to mines. Then woke up on something solid and soft at the same time. A shirt less Prince, his chest hair tickling my cheek. My hair down and covering him. He was awake , his eyes a different color. My body responding . I quickly tried to move, but he wrapped his arms tighter  around me. " Why go anywhere?, I like this position we are in, Mama" , Mama?, oh no, I knew what that meant when he used it. "Prince, I'am not doing this"  I said still trying to free myself of his warm and arousing embrace. " Why not ?" He asked. " You just broke up with Cat" . Then covered my mouth when I realized  what I said. His lips then traced my ear. " Do you know why I broke up with Cat?" . I shook my head no. Then his whispered in my ear" Because I wanted you" . His hands  going up my shirt and across my stomach. I got up overwhelmed with emotion and went to the window. sure enough the blizzard had hit, roads covered in snow . It would be a few days before we could leave. Again I felt strong arms come around me, pulling me closer to him. " Now we got time together, come back to bed, My snow bunny" he said kissing my neck. I put up no resistance, letting him lead me back to the bed.

Merry Christmas Everybody!

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