Painted kisses

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It was a nice breezy day, Jennie  opened the windows to let in some air. She  had a day off from work and she felt like painting. She went to her CD player and put in a cd and pushed play. Suddenly the smooth sounds of prince started to fill the living room.  The song was "Do me baby" One of Jennie's favorites . Since she worked she didn't get to paint as much as she would like to, so when she had the free time she  loved to get her painting in whenever she had the chance to. She laid the news papers all around her canvas so she wouldn't get paint on her floor. She got

Her tools together and made sure they was clean. Wearing a thin nightgown and with her hair pulled back in a pony tail. She was ready to get to work. It was appropriate that Prince was playing because he was the subject she was painting. Prince inspired her in many ways, this was just one way of her showing that .  This wasn't the first time she done a Prince painting , the other ones around her showed that, but for some reason she was really inspired with this one.""Here we are in this big old empty room"  crooned Prince from the speakers . Jennie

always had a reaction to that line. "Focus Jennie" she told herself.  She pulled her chair up to the canvas . She looked over a her reference photo. It was a picture of Prince from black sweat promo with the hat. Jennie thought it would be the perfect picture because first it was close up to make out the details in his face, plus the look he was giving. " like you never done before" continued Prince from the speakers. " Why did he sound so close all of a sudden?" Thought Jennie, but then turned her focus back to starting the painting. She started with his eyes, those 

hazel eyes of his. She looked down to see if she had the right color light brown for  them. She did!. " Do me baby" continued to play as she let her fingers go to work painting him. Soon she had the eyes done. She took a step back to examine it. She was happy with it and then started to work in the nose and cheeks. Soon the music changed to " The beautiful ones". She was so glad she made a cd of his ballads ." The beautiful ones always smash the picture" said Prince. Jennie had just finished the ears and was now moving to the lips and chin.  She had penciled the lips in

erasing  to make sure she got it right. Soon she painted it in when she felt she got it right. Next, was the neck and part of his suit, the song had changed to "One kiss at a time". Jennie's hands stopped when he got to  " Slowly I pull your strap down". focus Jennie  you are almost there she told herself. A couple of  hours  later and after  having the songs on repeate  she was done. She took a step back and looked at it. Jennie never toot her own horn, but she was in amazement at what her own hands  did. She never had captured his image like this, it looked almost... real

Suddenly " Adore" started to play. It sounded close then it ever had before. Then all of sudden her canvas started to shack.  What was going on?. Then it fell over. "NO!  My Painting ! "  she thought. She ran to it in hopes that it wasn't destroyed . But something push her back she hit the floor and there was a flash making her close her eyes. When she opened them she gasped . standing  in front of her was  none other then... Prince, in person . Standing up and rubbing her eyes in disbelief. "oh, I 'am real alright" his baritone voice said. Hazel eyes focused on her. " You can't be" she said  in almost in a whisper . He took his hat off a sat it down . He slowly approached 

her. Jennie felt the air charge with electricity. He turned off his song. What was his next move Jennie wondered. It was quickly answered when he pulled her to him, his lips lightly kissing hers" I have paint all on me" she said not knowing what else to say. A smirk came across his face. "Well..." he said slowly raising her nightgrown up " That's what a shower is for, care to take one together?" Jennie didn't realize it , but she nodded yes. Suddenly he swept her up making the way to the shower. After adjusting the water temperature  he quickly got undress and removed her panties. Jennie's eyes got big,  causing Prince to smirk. He let her hair down and gather her into the shower.  Soft plush lips tasted every inch of her skin.  Hands found her aching core causing her to cry out.  She tasted his butterscotch skin

His scent imprinted on her.  Her hands finding  the source of his arousal . She played and teased  him over and over. He  suckled her releasing one breast for the other. Finally after not being able to take it any longer, he entered her.  Pain soon turned to warm pleasure as the rhythm of trusting was like one of his beautiful songs. Causing her to arch and pull him in deeper. She didn't know how long the loving went, but she was beyond satisfied.Jennie?" He said catching his breath. She was shocked. " How do you know my..." he cut her off calming her lips and linking their  hands." I know hands of my lover" he said.

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