Broken, but not Broken Forever part eleven

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So much had happened that Rose couldn't believe it. The dinner they had the day Sarah met Prince went very well. Rose was in awe at how well Sarah and Prince got along. The two went back and forth talking, mostly about music, Sarah wanted to know everything when it came to music, which Prince was more then happy to answer her questions, but he never missed a moment to ask her a question that would get him know a little bit more about her. Seeing them interact like this made Rose think that maybe telling Sarah about Prince being her father would 

go smoothly. After dinner before he left he turned to Rose, " Thank you for letting me see her"  he said. " No Problem " said Rose. The next few weeks was spent with Prince calling and talking with Sarah. Sarah thought it was so cool for Prince to keep in contact with her and how she was doing, she didn't even question why he was keeping in contact, she had made a friend. One time Sarah handed  the phone over to Rose after talking to Prince. " Rose, I can't thank you enough for letting me get to know her, do you know when you will tell her?. Rose took a deep breath, "I'am thinking it's getting close to the time I have to, it is obvious that she adores you, she talks about

you a lot and she is always looking forward to your phone calls" . Prince smile got wide. His daughter liked him, it was a start. " I want us to tell her together" said Rose breaking into his thoughts. It was then a idea came to him. " Would you and Sarah like to come to Paisley Park, for a visit?" he asked. Rose smiled, she was sure that Sarah would love Paisley Park, and to be honest Rose always wanted to see Paisley Park too. It would also be a good chance for Prince and Rose to tell Sarah about her being his daughter. " We would love to come for visit" replied

Rose. Prince took the "We" as a positive sign for her and him. After agreeing to when would be the best time for them to come and visit she went to talk with Sarah . Sarah was drawing when Rose came in. " Honey, can I talk to you?". Sarah dropped her pencil " ok" she said turning her attention to Rose. Rose took a seat on the floor next to her.  " I talked to Prince, and guess what" " What?" said Sarah getting excited. " He invited us to visit Paisley Park" said Rose. Sarah's smile was immediate. Rose being into Prince's music the way she was, of course showed Sarah 

pictures of Paisley Park. " Really?" she said. " Really" said Rose smiling. Sarah then hugged her. "When do we go?" she asked. " When you are out of school and I'am on vacation" said Rose. Sarah jumped up. " I have a song I made up that I want to play for him"  she said running to the paino to play the tune. Rose listened, Sarah was improving greatly, the song had a nice melody.  " It doesn't have a name yet, but I hope he likes it, do you mommy?" . Rose kissed the top of her forehead " It's beautiful honey" she said. Rose smiled at the thought of the impression that Prince left on Sarah , if she could pick the father of her future children... Rose wasn't ready to complete that thought.

Meanwhile Prince was busy with a new album and a tour coming up, but what he was really excited about was the upcoming visit from Rose and Sarah. He was really glad that Rose thought it was about time they told Sarah that he was her father. He was starting a bond with his daughter and he was beyond happy about that. He also couldn't deny that their was another bond that he wanted to form, a bond between him and Rose. He felt that all this was happening for a reason, not only to give him and chance to have a reactionship with his daughter, but maybe also to bring him a special someone. Someone named Rose.

The Purple  Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें