Broken , but not Broken Forever part four

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"Diamonds and Pearls" was playing while Sarah was playing doll house with her new friend Lindsey . Sarah had started to really love the song . " Who's that your playing?" asked Lindsey. "Prince" said Sarah. " Who?" "Prince, my mom loves his music, I love it too, what she lets me listen to, that is" said Sarah. " Lindsey, your mom is here" said Rose calling from the living room. " See you later" said Lindsey . "Ok"  said Sarah . Lindsey then took off running to the living room. After Lindsey left with her mom Rose came to Sarah's room. " Did you enjoy having your friend

over?"  asked Rose. Sarah nodded. It was then that Rose noticed that she was playing "Diamonds and pearls" . Rose had found the single for her to play. Sarah said that she loved the paino on the song. Sarah love to take piano lessons and she was showing a real talent. she could play by ear. Rose wondered where her daughter's talent was coming from. Could one of her birth parents be musicially talented?. Just then Sarah broke into her thoughts, " Mommy, how you find  out about Prince?" .  Rose smiled " Well, like many I saw a movie called Purple Rain" . " Is it 

good?" asked Sarah . Rose laughed ," You can say that, it's a classic". " Can  we watch it?"  Sarah asked hopeful. Rose shook her head no " When your older" she said. Sarah pouted. " Hey, none of that, your too cute to pout"  said Rose pinching her cheeks which got Sarah to smile. The music played on and Sarah asked another question ," Who's that singing with him?". Rose smiled. " Her name is Rosie Gaines " . " I like her voice" said Sarah . " Me too" replied Rose. It was clear that her daughter knew great music and great voices when she heard it. The thought made Rose smile.

Prince was on the plane on his way to Virginia . Too many thoughts was running through his mind. A daughter, he had a daughter . Did she look like him?. Would she hate him for not being there?,  What about the woman who adopted her?, would she be open to him having a relationship with his daughter?, or would she shut him out?. He had been on multiple stages, sang in many arenas in front of many people around to many places to name. But in this moment he was the most nervous he had ever been. He just wanted the little girl to like him 

and hopefully be in her life. Then hopefully he would have the chance to be a father. He realized that it would have a lot to do with what the woman who adopted her wanted to happen. He looked through the file and it seemed like she wasn't  married, which might mean the girl didn't have a father figure, but he also didn't know what kind of a support system the woman named Rose had. He was suppose to start a tour in a few weeks, but with what he found out there was no way he could focus on that. This is what he needed to be focusing on, the fact that he had a 

daughter. " You Okay?" asked Jeff stitting in the seat next to him. " I'am fine" said Prince. Jeff had showed himself to be a excellent worker and in time earned Prince's respect and became a close friend. " Jeff, I want to thank you for all that you do" . Jeff gave a genuine smile. " Don't mention it P" he said. The rest of the flight was spent with Prince looking out the window, trying to invision what his daughter looked like. Did she look like Carmen?, or did she look like him?. He also was looking forward to meeting the woman who was kind enough to adopt her, he just prayed that this went well.

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