Broken, but not Broken Forever part fourteen

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Prince's staff had never seen him so happy. He was nearly bouncing off the walls. Today was the day Rose and Sarah arrived. He spent the whole day making sure everything was ready. Only the best for his daughter and a woman that he hope would become more to him. " Sir, everything is ready, you can relax" said James .James was another staff member who did many different jobs for Prince for many years and grew to be a close friend as well. He just wanted everything perfect for them. " Do you think they will like it here?" asked Prince. James smiled. Of all the years working for Prince he knew this was a side that Prince rarely showed, his vulnerable side. He was honored everytime he trusted him to show that side. James put a comforting hand on his shoulder, " P, who doesn't come to Paisley and love It?, that got a wide smile out of Prince, " Thank you James, I don't know how to repay you for all the support you given me" . Considering the deep friendship they build James knew he could joke with him. " A raise maybe?"  he said.  Which got a look from Prince "I'll let that one slide" he said but then smiled to show his good nature humor .

Sarah couldn't stop talking about Prince and Paisley Park on the plane. Also she wouldn't let go of the subject of Rose liking Prince. Rose skated around the issue, but how long could she hold that secret especially when she gets to Paisley and is around him. It was hard having feelings for someone and hiding it and Prince was like a beautiful assault on her female senses. Lucky after a while Sarah fell asleep after dropping the subject. Soon they would land in Minnesota and soon would arrive a Paisley Park. You can do this Rose, just remember this is all for Sarah  she told herself as she watch the little girl sleep laying on her shoulder. Rose loving kiss the top of her head,

" Sir it's time" said James. Prince finished his meal . Usually he would just send someone to pick up a person to bring to Paisley Park, but these two people meant to much to him, his daughter and a woman he hoped to get to know better, so this time he wanted to be there personally. " Ok let's go" said Prince. As James drove the car , Prince sat in the back looking out the window. " It's  going to be alright P, just be yourself ". " But what if they ..." Prince stopped once he said. "They". James smiled, now he understood why his boss had been reacting the way he had. It wasn't just about his daughter. James seen Prince fall in love many times, but never seen him so, unsure. Again James smiled, maybe this woman would be good for his Friend/ Boss. " P.." he started. " James don't, just drive..."  " Yes Sir" said James.  Oh yes this woman got a hold on him.

The plane landed and Rose got off carrying a still sleeping Sarah in her arms. She saw the single black car waiting and recognize James. She started to move forward when she was surprised to see Prince get out. " I" ll take your bags" said James putting the bags in the trunk. It was then that Rose noticed that Prince was holding two items, a Rose and a small stuff Kitty. " This is for you he said, a Rose for a Rose,  sorry if that seemed corny"  he said looking sheepily. " No it's perfect" said Rose gently taking it in her free hand. " And this is for Sarah" he said giving Rose the stuff kitty as well. " May I?" asked Prince holding his arms out. Rose smiled " Sure". She passed a sleeping Sarah to him. She did stir a little but didn't wake, but instead wrapped her arms around Prince.

They got into the car and they was off to Paisley Park. When they arrived Prince was shocked that Sarah didn't wake. " She was very tired, huh?" . Rose smiled " She was a ball of energy on the plane until she wore herself out".  Prince chuckled which caused a sleepy Sarah to cuddle closer to him for comfort. Rose's heart leaped. He is such a natural. When they got out of the car Prince still carried Sarah as the walked in. James smiled at the scene. Maybe this could be a family for P  he thought. James decided to go handle some other business while Prince took Sarah to her guest room.

When he opened the door. Rose was in awe . Prince had turned the room into the perfect room for a little girl, including a Princess bed. " Prince, you didn't have to..."  " I wanted to" he said as he placed Sarah in bed and tucked her in. " Let me show you to your room" he said. The room was right next door. When he opened it Rose was again in awe. The room had such a elegant touch that any woman would love. " Prince, really you didn't have to go all out like this" . " I want you two to be comfortable and enjoy the stay here" he said. Then thought to himself, and maybe both of you will be spending more time at Paisley in the future.

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