A Paisley Party part two

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On the airplane

I wasn't  the biggest fan of flying , but this is a prince party we was talking about and in no way was I going to miss this. I couldn't think of many artists I was excited to see, but Prince was at the top of my list. I was so glad to have Joanna with me to talk to. " Are you nervous?"  she asked. "A little bit" I admitted. "Don't worry, in a few hours  we are going to see your man" she said smiling" " You do that just to get a reaction out of me, don't you?"  I said. " Maybe" she said. "Can't a person Just like a artist's music without being picked on?" I asked. "Sure, If it was just 

the music that draws you to him" Joanna said. "what is that suppose to mean?" I said starting to get a little defensive. Joanna looked at me with a Girl Please, you not fooling anybody look. "Don't play games Lora" she said. She was right, but I wasn't going to tell her that. "Do you see me act like that about you and Maxwell?" I said.  Mines was Prince, her's Maxwell. " But, see I admit mines, because if I had the chance with Maxwell..." she says fanning herself. I laughed. "oh sure, laugh at me, but what thoughts run across your mine when you think of Prince?" she asked.

"Shut up" I said. " You know you hit a truth spot when someone says "Shut up"" Joanna said."How about "Be quiet"?" I said smartly."OK, play it like you need to , but I know the truth, when we was watching Graffiti bridge I nearly had to wipe up the drool that you had all over the floor" she said. " Joanna, just listen to your music" I said not wanting to think about how good he looked in  that movie, even know he always looked good. I wanted to thank his hairstylist for that. I laughed at my own thought. "What's so funny?" asked Joanna. "Nothing" I said quickly.

She patted my leg. "That's ok, the first step is admitting you got a problem" she then put her earphones in her ears. I looked out the window as thoughts ran through my mind. Soon I had drifted off to sleep. Then I had a dream that I had met him. It felt so real, then I woke up.Nah, it couldn't happen, sure I was going to paisley park, but I was just going for a performance, It wasn't like I was going to meet the man personally or anything, right?. Finally the plane landed in Minnesota and Me and Joanna got off. we  went and checked into the hotel, we didn't just

want to spend the whole time in the hotel, We was in Prince's home state, we had to check it out. We saw some important landmarks related to Prince. After a while we started to get hungry so we found a place to eat. "So, what do you think of Minnesota?" asked Joanna as we sat down to eat. " I love the environment feel of the people" I said. "I see why Prince stays here". I had saw when Prince said he would stay here because he could walk around and be himself. now, I saw what he was talking about. After we ate we decided to go back to the hotel to relax for a while then get ready to head to paisley park.

After relaxing for a bit in our hotel room we started to get ready. I came out in my purple dress"How do I look?" I asked Joanna. "It's Prince approved, he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off you" she said. I rolled my eyes . " How do I look?" she asked turning around in her white dress. " Well, even know you don't deserve me saying it now, you look great" I said honestly." Great!, lets go see your Purple man" said Joanna pulling me to the door. I hoped she wouldn't  be like this all night, I was still trying to stay cool, I didn't need this on top of it. We was then out the door and headed to Paisley Park.

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