Broken, but not Broken Forever part seven

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Rose called home to check on Sarah . Rose had a neighbor watching her. Sarah said she was playing a game with Karen, who was watching her. " When will you be back?" asked Sarah . " Before dinner time" said Rose then added " And no cookies, you will spoil your appetite" " But mommy!" said Sarah. Rose could feel her pouting on the phone . It felt so good to have Sarah treat her like any way a child would react to their mother telling them no dessert before dinner and once again she worried she would lose her daughter. " I love you mommy" she said. " Me too

Honey" said Rose, " I will see you when I get home soon, behave yourself" " Ok, bye" said Sarah . Rose ended the call just as Elaine entered the room with two other people. They greeted her friendly before they went into telling her the whole story of how this happened. How the mother lied and said that the father didn't want anything to do with the child and had abandoned them and how she couldn't raise the child. Rose asked about the father. All three people looked at each other. Then Elaine spoke up " Ms. Avon, the father's identity is something  that has to be 

handle with care.." Rose eyebrows raised up. " With Care?, What do you mean?" .  Elaine paused for a moment. " He is a important person" she said. " Important as in?..."  asked Rose. "Important as in famous " Elaine finished. Rose was shocked " Is there a chance I know him?". Elaine said simply " He has done very well...". Rose couldn't believe another element had been added to this situation , now she was really worried that she could lose her daughter if this famous man wanted his daughter. " Do you think your ready?" asked Elaine. Rose slowly nodded. Elaine got up and went to the door. " You can send him in" she said.

Why did she have to be beautiful?, this will only make this harder thought Prince. Not only did she  have a heart to adopt, her outer beauty reflected that as well. Focus Prince , focus he told himself. There is a daughter at hand here. But Prince's  overactive romantic side was fighting. His mind already saw a family with this woman he didn't even know yet. He went to a mirror and looked at his face. His face was flushed. His palms sweaty. Why was this happening now?. He came here for one reason only and that was his daughter, but the woman in the other room seemed to cause 

feelings to come up, that he long thought were gone. He continued to watch as Elaine informed Rose about what was going on. He watched as she listened attentively. Her quiet nature making her even more beautiful. Stop this Prince!  you got to focus, think of Sarah he told himself, but as he continued to watch her he couldn't help but wonder if something else was being put into place. After the last relationship he had ended he had no attention of  jumping into another relationship anytime soon. looking at her he just had a feeling like he never had before, like he was being drawn to her .

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the door opening and a man saying that he could come in. You can do this thought Prince as he clicked his heels and started to move. I would love to be in my daughter's life, this is what I have to do he told himself as he walked.  He slowly enterd the room and slowly his eyes meet hers, she was even more beautiful closer up. He saw her brown eyes wide, her mouth held a gasped shocked O shape and he thought he saw her physically sollow. " Ms. Avon, this is Mr. Nelson, the father of Sarah, Mr. Nelson this is Ms. Avon" said Elaine.

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