The Lost Prince part three

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Four weeks later

Katyln looked over her files.  She was gathering her information on Prince's case and preparing to write her report. She still couldn't believe the information she found out about his family's history. That was the thing about her Job that she loved, there was so many interesting stories to be told.  Prince 's case would prove to be no different. For his case was a interesting one indeed. she tried to picture what his reaction would be when she reported to him what she found.  How would that make him see things?, would it make him look at things different?.

Katyln never thought this much about a case before, but truth be told,  she had been that way since she meet him. Sure he was Prince, but it was more then that, he just had a way of drawing you in. He knew it, and Katyln would guess he like to play off it. He had invited her to Paisley Park to go over things.It was amazing being there and she had never been to a place like that,but she found herself drawn more to the man himself, but she was able to keep it professional. She was greatful for that, but she was sure that he must have known that there

was more then she was letting on. Suddenly her phone rang , snapping her out of her thoughts. "Hello" she answered. " I got you message" a deep voice said on the other line." yes, Mr Nelson..."Prince" he cut in sharply. It was at this moment that Katyln  wished that he was still going by the symbol, to make this easier. " Sorry, Prince, I got some information that I have to go over with you" ." Great" he said and she could almost hear the smile in his voice." Where would you like to meet up?" Katyln asked. "Back here at Paisley" he said without a second thought.  Oh

boy on his home turf she thought, but felt she had no other choice ." Ok, what time?" she asked.Prince said that he was just ending his tour and would be home in three days, so they could meet up then. Katyln agreed to the time hanging the phone up. She let out a deep breath. I can do this, I am just going to report my findings that is all. Lie! she heard her inner self say. Last time you was around him at his place you was practically sniffing the man, but he smelled so good thou, she wanted to argue with herself. She shocked her head at her thought, yeah this wasn't going to be easy.

Three days later

Prince had a limo pick her up.he didn't have to do that she thought . When she pulled up to Paisley  she kept telling herself she could do this. She was let in and shown to the living room, it looked like prince had the place redecorated. Katyln took a seat waiting for him. He didn't keep her waiting long . He was again dressed to the nines , was there any time this man wasn't dressed to perfection?. He took a seat next to her . " You have information for me?" he asked his hazel eyes dancing. Better get to the point so I can do this she thought . She opened the file

I was able to track down some peolple  who knew people who knew your grandfather's history. Prince was intently listening. Katyln cleared her throat "At first I thought it was a rumor, a tale, but it's not" she said. Prince nodded for her to continue." Prince your grandfather was Arabian"   Prince eyes got big. His trademark , now explained . Katyln continued .  " Your great grandfather who was Arabian, was passing by a town and saw a woman, your great grandmother,  he was so taken by her that.. he kidnapped her" . Prince looked horrified at the idea. Katyln finished hoping the 

rest would help. " but she fell in love with him, they married and had three sons, one being your grandfather". Prince looked taken aback. " Thank you" he  said softly still trying to process what she had told him." Glad to help " Katyln said warmly starting to get up. She didn't ask about payment because prince already told her earlier that once she was done with the case she would have the money sent to her right away. " Katyln ?" he said softly. She turned around" yes?" . He got off from the sofa and made his way to her. Somehow he back her to the wall, she could feel

the heat of him." I know the case is over, but I would like to see you "  tucking a strain of hair behind her ear. Was this really happening?. He leaned in a light kissed her lips, at first she was in shock but then their lips started to move in sync, and he deepened the kiss. " Is that a yes?" He asked kissing her neck. "Yes" was all she could manage to say. Prince smiled going to the phone." Sam, you can go, I will see Ms.Katyln gets home" he told the driver.

The End

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