Teaser || Unbearable Pain

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She wanted to feel anothers skin

He didn't want that at all

She wanted to be around others

He wanted to be alone

She wanted to be normal

He could care less

She wished to love

He didn't love

She wanted a life

He wanted some sleep

She hoped to be truly happy


He hoped for that too

Two completely different people hoping for true happiness.

She had an illness/disease, physical skin to skin contact was painful, she couldn't live normally because of it.

He was... Fine actually, he lived normally, had friends, had a job, slept a lot, he was just never truly happy, and didn't have very many emotions or at least showed them at all.

Who knew these two could have a chance at getting what they hoped for after an odd shopping cart incident at the grocery store?

The Pain is going to be Unbearable for the two.

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