Chapter 15

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"Rory!!" Lorelai and Liv screamed at the same time as Rory walked through the gate.

"Mom! Liv!" She screamed back, as they all began running towards each other.

They all ended up in a heap of bags and limbs as they collided, laughing as people gave them weird looks as they passed by.

"Thank god you're back," Lorelai grinned, "this one has been driving me insane!"

"Mom, you were insane before she left," Liv rolled her eyes.

"No, I was crazy then. Now I'm insane," Lorelai corrected her, "oh, Rory, we got you gifts."

Liv nodded, "Yep. Look, we got you a Harvard hat."

"A Harvard teddy bear," Lorelai added.

"A Harvard cup."

"Harvard flags."

"And a Harvard jumper," Liv finished.

"I was the one who left, I shouldn't be getting gifts," Rory laughed.

"Yeah, well we were bored," Lorelai shrugged.

"Yeah, and mom got into trouble with the FBI," Liv grinned.

"Apparently they don't like it when you feed their dogs gummy bears," Lorelai told her.

"Woah, you got in trouble with the FBI!" Rory laughed.

"I just told them she had just been released from hospital for insanity, and they let her off," Liv explained.

"See, I told you you drove me insane!" Lorelai pointed at her.

"Right, we should probably get up off the floor," Rory giggled, grabbing her bags.

"But it's so comfy down here," Lorelai whined.

"We'll go get coffee," Liv told her.

"I'm up!"


The girls walked into Luke's after dropping off Rory's bags at home, and Rory walked to Luke and he gave her a hug.

"Hey, Ror. How was Washington?" Luke asked.

"It was ok. Very political," Rory told him.

"Boring then?" Jess asked from one of the tables.

"Shush you!" Liv scolded jokingly, earning a mock salute and a wink from him, "anyway, Luke, where's my hug?"

"I've seen you every day, Livvy. Rory's been away for ages," Luke smiled.

"I feel unloved," Liv sniffed, her eyes wide at Luke.

Jess walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, "will this do?"

Liv hummed, "it'll do."

Jess chuckled and walked back behind the counter, pouring her a coffee, "here you go, princess."

"Why, thank you, Prince Charming," she winked.

Jess smirked and walked to another table, and Rory nudged her in the hip.

"Where's your head gone?" Rory teased.

"Huh?" She asked.

"I take it things are good between you two?" Rory smiled.

Liv nodded, "Yeah."

Rory narrowed her eyes at her sister, "but?"

"I think...last night I think he wanted to, you know," Liv whispered, knowing Jess wouldn't hear because he was cleaning a table and Lorelai was annoying the hell out of Luke.

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