The wedding night...she's not really his

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Red's pov

After telling Alejandro last night about being pregnant he's been very close not moving unless I do and its cute but I know over time its going to be a problem including the bathroom as each time he waits outside the door. Just as I was thinking about yesterday I heard the bedroom door open and in came Alejandro the devil himself making me smile and watch as he laid down next to me with a breakfast tray. Sitting up I changed the channel to cartoons and began to eat until that is, half way through I had the feeling of throwing up and ran to the bathroom not caring that he was going to be annoyed with me running. Hunching over the toilet I feel a hand pull my hair back and another rubbing my back making me dry heavy until nothing came and the feeling had stopped making me sigh and look behind me to see him looking at me. "I'm going to set an appointment for today and I also need you to start thinking about wedding plans you can have any kind of wedding you would like" he said shocking me but got up with his help and brushed my teeth.

"I know its soon but the wedding is in three weeks" he said making my eyes widen at the thought and slowly nod as he gave me a look as though to go against him and smiled nodding before walking into the room where I got ready for my day. "The wedding planner will be here in twenty minutes after that we have an appointment and then I have a couple of stops to make that you have to come with me" he said making me sigh as I came out of the closet knowing what those stops were as I've been on plenty of them before and I won't forget the first time I walked in on one. 

                        ~~~~ Back flash~~~~

"Stay in the car and do what I said last time guns in the glove box don't take it out unless necessary" he said making me sigh and nod and watched as he left the car after giving me a kiss goodbye on the cheek and walked in. As I played with the radio once more I heard a bang on the door and soon saw a gun being aimed at me making me gasp and quickly moved away from it which made him pull the trigger and as I waited for something to happen to my body I looked up to see the windows were bullet proof and started the car. Driving into the building I grabbed the gun not seeing myself driving into the door and soon heard guns being shot and the door opening. Slowly looking up I see Alejandro looking at me as if I've lost my mind before he looked on the other side of the car making his eyes widen and lifted me up before setting me on his lap as he drove off. As I looked behind us I saw bodies and blood as well as a black SUV driving after us making me gasp and him look to see and mumbled a word I do not like to repeat.

"I need you to grab that gun that's in the glove box for safety" he said making me look at him as if he's insane and shook my head making him groan in annoyance and anger. "Not now I can not deal with this just grab the d*** gun" he said brushing his hair back and continued to drive before he did a sharp turn and continued down the shore until he looked over at the water and back at me before at something near it and turned that way before he grabbed me and jumped us out of the car and watched as the car went into the water. Trying to catch my breath I looked over at him only to see he was holding his side before he lifted his shirt and revealed a rock inside his rib making me gasp. Grabbing it with his pointer and thumb fingers he pulled it out and threw it to the side hissing in pain before taking his shirt off and tied it around himself before he grabbed his phone that was in his pocket and called someone. "Track my location and pick us up" he said before hanging up and waited for a minute or two before he threw the phone into the water and looked over at me before motioning me over.

Crawling carefully over to him he lifted me up and held me with my legs around his waist and watched as I played with the necklace he had on and before long a car was pulling up in front of us making him get in and sat me on his lap before drifting off to sleep.

Flash back ends

Getting into the car I sat in the passenger seat like I always did before he came out in his usual suit and ray bands before starting the car and drove off to the planners for the wedding that I was somewhat getting used to the idea of now. "What theme did you want the wedding to be and it has to be adult themed I know you would rather have stuffies on every table and toys everywhere but we can't do that" he said as he put the picture in my head making me pout and become upset as he put the picture in my head and I couldn't even do it. "Ummmm Alice themed" I said making him think before nodding before letting me on his phone and told me to give him ideas of what I wanted.

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