Keep you safe... from what daddy

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Red's pov

Lately daddy's been around more often then he usually is and if he's not he always ends up having someone watch me but tonight I told him I was having a girls night and that I would be ok. "Princess you tell me if you go anywhere, tell me if you feel scared need me to pick you up and I'll pick you up ok" he said as he stopped the car in front of Raven's house where her and Nicole were waiting for me. "Yes daddy I love you" I said making him sigh and kissed my forehead while holding me to him like I was gonna disappear. "I love you too princess so much" he said making me kiss him one last time before getting out of the car and walked to the door as he watched me before driving off once I was in. "So, Raven got us tickets to this awesome show and then we get to go backstage to see the band wanna go" Nicole said holding pieces of paper not close enough for me to read it.

"S-ure" I said making them smile before telling me to go shower but put my hair up so it wouldn't get wet. After doing all the necessities I got out and dried off before walking out to see they were holding a see through black long sleeve shirt and a black sports bra along with white high waisted shorts and spiked black ankle boots. Grabbing it I tried it on and felt out of place but wanted to try being a normal teen tonight and stepped out showing them. "Perfect now just gotta curl that long beautiful blackh hair of yours and a little bit of makeup and we are done" Nicole said looking over at Raven I noticed how nervous she looked as well but smiled once she saw me and helped doing my makeup light which I was thankful for by only doing winged eyeliner and mascara before putting nude Matt lips making them pop out with my tan skin. Looking at myself in the mirror I put on the sliver hoops in my ears before putting on the ankle boots as we were all ready to go.

Texting daddy quickly in the bathroom that we were going out I came back out and hid my phone in my bra so I didn't have to worry about it being taken and walked to the car and into the back nervous as we began to drive off. Driving farther outward I noticed we were going to some kind of bad area as I heard screams and before I knew it a faint gun shot in the distance making me wish I never left daddy's arms. "Ok girls come on" Nicole said before unlocking  the doors and led us to the door that said "fight club" looking back at Raven I saw confusion on her face as she seemed to not understand but then again wasn't she the one to buy the tickets? Walking behind Nicole I grabbed Ravens hand which she returned with a squeeze. "Did you buy the tickets" I asked her making her nod but explained she was picking them up for Nicole as she said she wanted us to go with her.

"Do you think we should be here?" I asked her making her nervously bite her bottom lip before shaking her head making me gulp before we were in a loud room with yelling and curses going all round the room. "BREAK HIS NOSE!" "KNOCK HIS A** OUT!" and many more horrible things were being thrown out before we heard a bell indicating that something like they had said to do happened. As most of the crowd went wild the ones that had lost went crazy mad punching and hitting each other making me squeeze more into Raven. "I wanna leave" I said making her nod as I saw fear in her eyes before they disappeared. "Don't show it though they can smell it from a mile away and if they see that on us we're gonna be picked apart" she said making me nod and hold onto her still but looked around until I saw something I wish I didn't see.

There in front of me was daddy on the floor before he got up and punched the guy who was hurting him and kept going till the guy was unconscious. Looking up he looked around the crowd as the ref held his arm up indicating he had won with the bell going crazy. As the night continued he never saw me as he was to into his fights not even looking the slightest bit scared that he would get hurt making me scared for him as I saw punch after punch hit him in his ribs that had just recovered from last week. Finally as the fights ended Nicole dragged us to the back to meet the fighters so we could get pictures and talk to them while Nicole went to do all of that while I try to get away from all of this but as she continued to drag me by my wrist I knew I wasn't getting out of it any time soon. "Alright ladies you get twenty minutes with the guys before you leave" the man in charge said before leaving us locked in a room making me gulp as the only lights that were in here were neon lights that were dimly lit.

"Raven?" we heard making us turn around to see one of the fighters that fought with daddy looking shocked at Raven that she was here. "Is that really you" he asked making me look to see Raven in tears making me grab her and pull her to me becoming protective over her not liking that he made my friend upset. "Raven who is this" I asked quietly making her take in a deep breath. "He's my brother that's been lost for four years" she said before walking from behind me and up to him and stood there like she was trying to remember something before punching him in the face. "OW!" she yelled out in pain walking away form him as he tried to help her.

"Just let me get you some ice at least" he said giving up on trying to look at her hand and walked the way to the ice leaving me there. Turning around I noticed that I was in a corner by myself and saw Nicole on some fighters lap making out making sick and tried to find a way out but as I did I pumped into a chest making me fall backwards before they grabbed me by the waist. Looking up I saw that it was daddy and as he got a closer look he realized who I was and looked furious before pulling me to a backroom. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING HERE YOU COUDL HAVE GOTTEN YOURSELF HURT OR WORSE KILLED!" he yelled closing and locking the door so I was stuck in the room with him making me scared slightly. As he began to breath heavily he started to say things under his breath that I couldn't understand but "keep" safe" money" stupid" making me frown. "Daddy I thought we were going to a concert if I would have known we were going here I wouldn't have come here especially somewhere this scary with scary people" I said but regretted it once he realized what I said along with me. "Good your right you shouldn't be here with scary people and..... and maybe you shouldn't be with someone scary" he said leaning himself on the chair heavily breathing. "What no daddy thats not what I mea- no but I meant it I keep trying to make you safe and do you know why you keep getting hurt what keeps getting you hurt is me. I keep getting you into things that you shouldn't have to worry about but you do now because of me but not anymore I'm gonna do what I should have done" he said before picking up his phone and walked out shutting the door behind him. Trying to go after him I turned the handle only for it to stay where it was telling me it was locked. I was locked in.

Drakes pov

"Bring Red home and make sure your not followed" I said to Dominic as he walked up to me making him nod and left to go grad her while I sat down in a chair near the door so I could make sure he did what I said. Seeing her flung over on his shoulder I was becoming angry as she was being flung like a rag doll but saw how gentle he was with her at the same time and sighed watching as she walked out those double doors. "Just so you know Nicole was the one that brought us here, I should have tried to stop her but I couldn't and I'm sorry" I heard making me turn around and look up to see Raven who I also knew was a little. "I know sweetheart just go home and get some rest ok" I said seeing how tired and scared she was making her nod before James came up behind her making me get up but she stopped me. "This is my brother I told you about" she said making me shocked as her brother has been missing for four years and he's been here this whole time. "I'll take her home" he said making me nod before I walked back into the room and sat on the couch. Feeling something under my thigh I grabbed it before looking and saw that it was her phone making me sigh and unlocked it to see a picture of us on it. Looking through all the pictures I relived all of the pictures as I deleted them from her phone after sending them to myself to keep so she could slowly forget.

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