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Alejandro's pov

Walking into the warehouse I began to hear her sing some kind of country song that was playing and couldn't help but love the way her voice sound and felt something in me tick. Shaking it off I walked into the opening seeing one of the guys that owed me money from the help we gave him and since he didn't want to work for me the other option was paying back which he failed to do. "Jordan my friend what happened where is my money I thought we had a deal" I said making him freeze once he had seen me and stayed still like he thought he was invisible if he did that. "Your not invisible Jordan now give me my money, all of it" I said holding my gun behind my back knowing he didn't have it. "I need more time my partner is getting the last of it" he said making me stop pacing behind him not knowing that someone else was using my money without my permission.

"So someone else is using my money without my permission, do you not know how upset that makes me.  I would like your reasoning and maybe just maybe I'll be a reasonable man after all I was in a good mood until now that is" I said turning in front of him just as he began to smirk. "Let me guess that fiancé of yours what was her name Riley I believe it was very good looking just a bit young five years but still a bit young don't you think" he asked staring at me in the eye knowing it would make me mad showing disrespect. "Hm, yes she is but she's my fiancé and as for all of this your going to Hell my friend" I said before pulling the trigger on him getting blood on my suit making me groan annoyed that I would have to change. Leaving to the car I looked into the car and saw that she was asleep and sighed getting in and started the car. Driving to the dock I parked the car before unbuckling her from her seat and sat her on my lap facing me so she was straddling me and moved her hair from her face before staring at her and kissed her feeling a pull to do so.

Feeling her kiss back I was surprised but kept at it only heavier and as I began to wrap my arms around her waist I felt her pull back making me do the same and as she opened her eyes they widen and she laid her hands on my chest lightly trying to not have me notice but grabbed her arms and laid them around my neck staring her in the eyes while doing so. "When we get out of this car I need you to stay near me at all times if you have to use the restroom you'll tap my hand twice and I'll have one of my men walk with you and one watching after you both just in case these people, they're dangerous and I don't need you getting taken I already spent a lot of time on you and I have a lot more to go" I said being serious so she would know not to mess with anything. Nodding her head she looked out the window making me glance at what she was looking at and saw the partner of mine we were meeting here. Putting my hand on top of her cheek she looked over at me before I leaned in and kissed her giving him a show and to tell him that she was mine knowing he would try something with her. Sliding her off of my lap as I got out and held out my hand for her to take before we walked over to them near the entrance of the dock and shook hands.

"David great to see you again, and Sandra lovely as ever" I said keeping my distance out of respect not wanting to start anything and introduced them. "This is my fiancé Rosemary she will be dinning with us tonight" I said using a fake name not wanting them to be snooping and looking her up and watched as the ladies shook hands and as usual David went in for the kiss of the hand which made her look embarrassed which I was happy that she wasn't falling for the charm he was trying oh so hard to have. "Shall we, we have lots to discuss" he said still keeping his eyes on Riley and as we walked in front of them I cautiously looked back to see in fact he was still looking, checking her out. Sitting down I sat Riley on my lap and leaned back playing with her hand forgetting I never put a ring on her finger and made a mental note to get one. "Wheres the ring, with this one over here I would have assumed he would have gone all out" he said laughing making me laugh humorlessly and was about to make something up until she stopped me.

"I was doing house work and it went to the drain, he was mad at first but was still there and took it to the dealer to have it fixed" she said smiling almost having me believe that story as well. "Should be careful don't want to get hurt but you got a nice one here Givanno she's a worker around the house very nice" he said making me nod and look slowly over at Sandra who was looking out at the water minding her own business like she usually does after the first meeting it didn't go so well, and lets just say she left with a slap mark to the face and that was just him going easy. Now myself on the other hand don't believe in laying a hand on a woman but with the some of the guys I work with you have to make sure no one is above you not even your woman. "Now theres problems down in Italy with the shipment and money they've been really slow lately and theres barely any money coming through and one of the undergrounds were raided I think we have someone working for the feds" he said showing me numbers and a video of the cops busting it like he had said making me mad knowing that in fact we had a rat in our circle as only so many people know about it and those people are in Italy and one in front of me. Thinking about who it could I looked at him for a couple of seconds before shaking my head and crossed him temporarily off my list until I cross more off to come back to.

"We'll be leaving tomorrow morning then, I don't want this getting anymore out of hand than it already has" I said holding onto Riley tighter and pulling her close. "We'll gettem boss".

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