NO ONE is taking you away...promise?

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Drakes pov

As I pulled up to my princesses house I noticed on the side of the house a window opened making me curious as I knew they never opened that window because it was hard to shut it. Getting out of the car I slammed my door shut and walked in knowing her mom wouldn't mind as she told me to do it anyway. Climbing up the stairs I opened the door to her bedroom and saw her sleeping look as though she had just taken a shower making me sigh and walk over to her. Shaking her lightly to wake her up as I wanted a movie night with my princess I noticed how jumpy she was as she woke up before sighing and realized it was me. "Princess what's wrong?" I asked her rubbing her back as she calmed herself before typing in her phone "nightmare" making me frown as she wasn't looking anywhere near me making me know for a fact that she was lying to me. "Princess do you not remember daddies rules and what would happen if you broke them" I said making her slowly nod her head as if remembering the first week we were together.


As we were watching a video in Spanish I noticed absolutely no one was watching not even the teacher and thought about it being a good time to bring up the rules as she looked like she wasn't enjoying this class. "Princess I have some rules I want to show you and you tell me if you don't like any of them and will compromise ok" I wrote down making her blush and nod before she began reading off my simple little rules I had for her.


-ALWAYS tell daddy what's wrong (if he doesn't know how can he fix it)

-NO being a brat period (daddy doesn't like hanging around brats but will correct if needed to)

-NO lying to daddy (Even if  it will hurt daddies feelings)

-NO swearing (princesses don't use bad words)

-ALWAYS show daddy what your wearing (no one needs to see what's mine)


-Shopping with daddy


-Play time with daddy (yes that kind)

-Park trip

-Date night




-Stuffy taken (never your bear tho)

-no kisses for a whole day

-no candy for a whole day

-no play time with daddy for two days

-Daddy can do whatever to you that he wants

(anything I come up with that day can be a punishment)

As I looked over at her I realized she was blushing at the punishments and tightly shut her legs making me smirk and lay my hand on her thigh and slowly pushed my legs between them leaving my hand in between her legs rubbing my thumb in circles making her go a little crazy in her seat till I leaned over " wouldn't want to make a scene now would we sweetheart?" I asked making her shake her head and bit her lip being a good girl.

                                         ~Flash back over~

"Over my knee" I said without hesitation making her look up at me in shock making me look down at her before she complied and laid on my lap with her back side to me. "After each slap your gonna squeeze my leg for an apology and after I'm done I'm going to ask you how many you got and I will be counting if you missed one or add one we're doing it over got it" I said slowly taking off her skirt as she nodded and whimpered making me sigh knowing she didn't want this but she needed to learn. Taking off her lace white panties I rubbed my hand on her bottom before slapping it firm but not to firm to leave a hand print, yet. As I felt a squeeze on my leg I prepared her for another one this time making her whimper out and squeeze a little tighter out of pain. After fifteen spankings I blew where I hit to make it cool down and praised her at how good she was but not much she was in trouble. Laying her down after changing her into my shirt I came from behind her making her turn and face me before putting her face into my chest before I felt her shaking. "Princess I just want whats best for you and I know it was your first time but it will get easier somewhat before daddy has to switch up his method" I explained worried I might have gone a little to hard but as she shook her head she typed in her phone "there was a man in the bathroom and said he would have me, take me away from you and when I got to my bedroom there was a necklace on my bed and the window open" she explained making me shocked and mad pulling her closer to me. "And I liked what you did to me" she said blushing and looked down at her hands while I smirked at her temporarily forgetting that someone was in here and teased her. "You like it when daddy spanks you princess" I asked whispering in her ear before moving down her neck with light kisses  while my hands slowly moved to pull my shirt slowly up her thighs and began to kiss all the way down her before looking up at her as she stared at me. "Just relax daddy's not letting anyone take you away from him" I said while looking at her and slowly took her panties between my teeth before pulling them down and over my shoulder making her shudder as I began to eat. "D-dADDY" she moaned making me hard just at the thought that was her first time ever moaning and it was for me. Looking up at her as she came down her high I began licking her up and cleaning her before she stopped me by something I wasn't expecting "daddy be my first" she said without stuttering almost as if she's rehearsed that for hours making me shocked and smile down at her and sigh. "Not tonight princess I want it to be a magical day for you before I take you all night and into the next morning and seeing as we have a party tomorrow night I don't think it would be very wise now would it" I said making her blush and nod before looking down at me and slowly got up before tugging at my pant waist. Undoing my belt she began taking my pants off and boxers making me begin to stop her but was held back when she put her hand to my chest and took me inside her mouth. Laying down I closed my eyes and held her head lightly before I felt myself all the way down her throat making me scream out in pleasure before releasing inside of her and looked down to see her licking me clean off as well as her face before looking at me. "Sleep time princess" I said to which she did no complaints to as she herself was exhausted from what had just happened. As I watched her sleep I couldn't help but be worried about what would have happened if that man did get her and whoever he was I was coming for him.

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