You is jealous... no just protective...yous jealous

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Drake's pov

It's been about a week since we last been on a date as I have been busy with work and the fights which she's having a hard time with each time she sees a new small cut or bruise she becomes sad which I hate doing to her but its the only way I make good money, plus I owe someone for working for my father I found out last week coming home.

~Flash back~

I was driving home from my princesses house and decided to listen to music as I turned on the radio it started playing her favorite song from beauty and the beast making me smile and sing along wishing she was here with me. Looking up to see if anyone was behind me I saw bright lights before I was rammed in the back and swerved into the ditch. Opening my eyes as they were closed after hitting the ditch I looked to see that the front of my car was totaled making me groan before getting out to see if the person was alright. Getting closer to the car I was grabbed from behind and was held on the front of their car. Trying to move my arms was useless as there was two of them each on one side.

"Well Drake your father left you in quite a lot of trouble, see he owed me 300,000 for a job I did for him back in 2000 and since he was still paying it off it was now left to you as he's dead so you either do jobs for me here and there whatever I need done, pay me however you do it, or we take your girl and keep her till you pay me either way I'm getting paid sounds fair enough don't you think?" he asked making me become angry that he brought Red into this I tried to fight hard. "Stay away from her you son of a b****" I said through my gritted teeth as my side was being pushed into the car and heard his foot steps come closer before the guys let go of me. Turning around I was knocked off my feet and onto the ground with blood coming out of my mouth from the blow. "I'm. Getting. Paid" he said before walking with his men back to the car and drove off leaving me there on the ground. "Dominic I need your help" I said before everything went black.

Waking up I found myself in the living room of the club house and ground as I moved around. "Don't move you have a bruised rib you need to rest" I heard someone say before turning to see it was Dominic, my once right hand man when I was a leader for the gang. Nodding my head everything started to come back before remembering what that guy said. "We need to get Red she's in trouble this guy that worked a job for my father didn't get paid the rest of his money by him and now its my job to pay him or he's gonna take her as leverage until he gets his money I can't let them get her Dominic " I said trying to get up but was pushed back down. "I'll go get her now you're in no shape to drive Ill text her on your phone that I'm coming to pick her up. She's been worried about you" he said making me wonder how long I've been out for.

"How long was I out" I asked worried about the answer that I would receive. "Two days I told her that you had to take some time off for a while" he said making me sigh and shake my head. "She's gonna think that its because of her that I needed time off" I said rubbing my hands down my face seeing her sad face in my head thinking it was all her fault. "Jordan tried to explain it to her but I don't think it helped much as it wasn't coming from you" he said making me sigh and nod and watched as he left to go pick up my princess which I should be doing but can't. Grabbing the remote I turned the channels until I found her favorite show sponge bob on and began watching it realizing how many adult jokes there were in this and wondered if I should let her watch this still before the front door was opened and in came my princess but there was something wrong, very wrong.

There in front of me wasn't my baby girl but was a normal clothed teenager that you see around the school dressed in blue jeans a plain black shirt and black converse. Frowning I looked up into her eyes and saw how uncomfortable she was in all of this that she was wearing no one part of her screamed "baby girl". "Princess come here" I said making her slowly walk over to me and stood in front of me with her head down making me sigh and lift it up so she was looking at me which probably wasn't a good idea because when she saw my face her eyes began to fill up with tears. Forgetting about my pain I grabbed her and sat her on my lap holding  her tightly to me so she knew I wouldn't let go. "What is my princess wearing" I asked taking her head out of my chest and looked up at Dominic who's been watching from the chair.

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