You said forever... I meant it princess

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Red's pos

It's been a week since daddy's mom walked away and all week long he's been distant and I can understand why but it also upsets me how he won't let me be there for him. Sighing as I shut my locker I turned around only to be met by Madison staring at me making me sigh before walking away not having time for any drama but as I turned around she grabbed my shoulder and pushed me into the bathroom. "So I guess your not the flavor of the month anymore shame it really is but that just makes it easier to get rid of the other girl she's not as persistent but I'm gonna miss this whatever this was" she said making me look up at her in confusion before she started laughing. "You do know whats going on between Ashlyn and Drake right they've been texting each other hone the long waiting texts the not seeing each other so much anymore everything, your losing him sweetheart" she said showing me a picture of them holding hands with him looking down at the ground smiling and her smiling at him but they were very close to my disliking. Shaking my head I walked out all the while having her yell "don't say I didn't warn you" before I walked into my class by myself since Drake had to go do somethings.           As class continued on I thought about the photo and what has been changing this week but shook it off as if he needed space before plugging in my music and doing my work. Half way through class my phone buzzed telling me I had a text and when I looked at it I wish I didn't because the next thing I saw was heart breaking. There in the photo was Drake with his arm around some girl in what looks to be like gym clothes holding her like he would hold only me ready to kiss her. Quickly turning off my phone I raise my hand and look at couch before pointing at the pass for the bathroom to which he nodded seeing how upset I was. Getting into the bathroom I shut the door to the last stall just as two girls came in talking about the usual gossip before a loud "ding" went off.          "No way isn't Drake dating that mute chick" I heard making the other girl answer her question before the girl gasped just as the bell rang making me sigh before walking out and wash my face as they were about to leave. "I think you need to see this" the girl said handing me her phone making me look to see the same photo that was sent to me making me nod and sigh knowing everyone got what the picture meant. Walking back to the classroom I could feel the stares from every direction and as I got into the classroom the couch stopped me giving me paper before asking me what happened shaking my head telling him I didn't want to talk about it he sighed before nodding telling me he saw the picture before I nodded as new set of tears came in. "I know its not my place but for what its worth he is a good guy but I don't understand why he would do something that stupid as to screw over such a pretty girl that shouldn't cry over a guy even if it happens to be my star quarter back its just not worth it" he said making me nod and smile thanking him before walking into math just as I heard someone that sounded like Drake calling out to me but ignored it and sat down in my seat. As everyone came in I heard the whispers never getting used to it and sighed before putting my head down on my bag hearing my teddy bear that he got me turn on as I put it in my bag everyday.     Crying as I heard his voice in my head I stood back up taking all of my stuff before the teacher came in and went to the third floor and to the classroom where I knew no one would be and sat on the floor. Sitting in the quiet brought back the memories of what we did that day and how special he made me feel wishing I could just have the old him back so I could be ok and held again but knowing that it wasn't going to happen I closed my eyes preparing myself for the lonely feeling again. Hearing the door squeak I looked up but saw nothing through my tears and sighed whipping my face about to get up when I felt a presence near me. Looking through my somewhat clear eye sight I saw daddy with what looked to be blood on his knuckles and scratches on his arms making me sigh and turn away from him not wanting to see him. Puffing out a ball of air he sat next to me and stayed quiet knowing I needed it before asking "you saw the picture I'm guessing" he said making me nod not looking at him. "I was going to tell you but I wanted to make sure I got the job first before anything else" he said making me furious as we were not talking about the same thing. Typing in my phone "you said forever what happened to the meaning of forever of us being the picture of forever in the dictionary" I said replying the words he said to me one night when we were together.

                                                                 ~Flash back~

It was midnight on a Saturday and daddy was at work since he got the job that he's been wanting for awhile. As I finished the fault in our stars movie I texted daddy not knowing if I would get a reply "Daddy do you promise forever?" I asked not thinking and not even ten minutes later I get a reply. "Forever and a day maybe even longer princess. When people look the word forever up in the dictionary its gonna be a picture of us I promise and not many people know what they're promising but I do. I know what I want and I want a forever kind of thing with you I promise princess your mine" he said making me tear up before sending a thousand heart emojis crying my eyes out as I kept reading what he sent.

                                    ~flash back over~

"I meant what I said Riley, every last word I sent you in that text I meant it. What everyone saw was an advertisement picture someone leaked out for one of my fights that I'm doing and my manager said I needed to make it look like that the whole time I was holding her I wanted to be holding you but I'm not going to let you do what that girl does modeling or whatever she does because in my line of work thats dangerous princess she needs bodyguards around her 24/7 she can never be alone because she knows so many people that are in my work I meant it princess and I'm going to keep meaning it even after you finally believe it and I'm going to keep saying it forever because I love you ok I admit it I love every last bit that you have given me of myself if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have figured this out I wouldn't have known that my sister is finally happy and of all people with my best friend I especially wouldn't have known she was a little but I do, I know all of this because you showed me. Every last promise I make in my life to you will always be honest and followed through it might not happen the day I say it but it will always happen and I know we've been at this for only four months but I want to show you that I'm serious about this, about us" he said taking something out of his back pocket before opening it revealing a beautiful small blood diamond ring making me gasp and look at him. "Its a promise ring. A promise that this ring won't be on this finger forever its just a temporary before the real thing comes" he said making me smile and nod before he slipped it onto my finger pulling me in for a kiss as the bell rang. "Lets get out of here have a princess daddy day" he said before leading us out the front door and to the car driving us on an adventure.

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