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The Minotaur is a classic old Greek tale that holds an extraordinary amount of important elements to it. In the tale you'll find characters like the brilliant Daedalus, strong Theseus, evil King Minos, and finally his vey beautiful daughter Ariadne. Not to mention the concept of a labyrinth also originated in this tale.

Like all tales, there is not a single 'correct' version. All of them are a large mixture of hundreds and hundreds of different versions of the story. All of them passed down from generation to generation, over a thousand years in many different languages. However all languages have agreed on the larger particulars of the event that happen a long, long time ago.



One day the wicked king Minos's wife gave birth to a horribly deformed son. His head so twisted and misshapen that it seemed as though he had the head of an animal. He was convinced that his wife had conceived with an animal behind his back. So convinced, that went into a rage and murdered her. He however, couldn't bring himself to murder his son. He didn't want to keep him though, as reminder of what he had done. So he put the hold somewhere he hoped no one would ever find him.

The King's hopes however, did not pull through. His son was no ordinary boy. He was a bloodthirsty, dangerous, supernatural, and powerful being. He would inflict horrible attacks on the people of Crete. People would later call the "bull-headed" man, the Minotaur. He was an incredible size and it was clear to king Minos that he was a danger to the city and the people. Knowing that prison would not work, and still wanting him away from the people, king Minos turned to the most famous and brilliant inventor of their time. Daedalus. This is when Daedalus built the Labyrinth to put the Minotaur in a cage that would keep him from ever coming out.


The Labyrinth was a large underground maze that looped back on itself. With many twists and turns you would never expect and concealed with tricks that only the Daedalus could figure out. The large maze was deep beneath the city, covered by rocks to ensure that the Minotaur wouldn't escape. The meals that they would feed the beast were brutal. Everyday the beast would get fed one of the King's prisoners. Whoever dared to be on the King's bad side were thrown in the Labyrinth and eventually eaten. Soon the Labyrinth was littered with skeletons from the beasts meals over the years.

Then one year a man named Theseus was sentenced to death in the Labyrinth by the hands of the Minotaur. Trying to escape the fate they were handing to him, he talked to King Minos and his stunning daughter Ariadne. He came up with the plan that he would kill the Minotaur and rid the city of his danger. In return Ariadne gave him a sword to kill the beast and yarn to find his way back after.


Theseus let the thread fall gracefully behind him yet he still found a way to get lost. Instead he decided to follow the old bones, crawling along the depths of the Labyrinth. Finally he found his way to the center of the maze, where he was met with the Minotaur. He stood high and mighty as he took the sword and successfully slayed the danger that lied below the city. With the help of the yarn he found his way out of the Labyrinth and lived to fight days and days again.

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