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Hut Heru (Hathor) was an Egyptian goddess of women, love, beauty, delight, music, dance, the sky, sun, and maternal love. Hut Heru was one of the goddess of the Eye of Ra (Sekhmet, Bast, Wadjet and Mut) and the feminine aspect of the sun god Ra. Also like many other Egyptian gods, she had a rule in the travel of dead Egyptians to the Afterlife.

In some Egyptian myths, she is depicted as a cow but most times she is portrayed as a beautiful women with a sun disk and cow horns as her headdress. Her symbols were the rattle, mirrors the Scepter, and the blue lotus and her sacred animal was the cow.

She was worshiped as far as Kush (modern day Sudan) but her main center for worship was the temple city of Dendera. Many women of the royal family of ancient Egypt took part in her cult and were the goddesses' priestesses. Hatshepsut claimed to be related to legitimize her reign like past male pharaohs. Hut Heru's  main festival days were  Festival of Drunkenness,  Beautiful Festival of the Valley, and the Festival of Beautiful Reunion.

Like Aset and Nebet Hut, Hut Heru was often associated with motherhood. She often helped women through child labor and the delivery process. Hut Heru assisted  Nebet  Hut and Aset to work together to bring mothers joy and comfort. The cow, an animal Hut Heru was associated with, was an animal that symbolized motherhood and pregnancy to ancient Egyptians. Like Nut, she is often thought of giving birth to the Sun each morning.

One of Hut Heru's many titles is "mistress of music, dance, garlands, myrrh, and drunkenness" It was often thought she taught people how to dance and she created music from the clinking of her menat beads. She also created alcohol to help people dance.

In the hymn to Raet-Tawny, people danced, played music and sang, and drank heavily to ensure that Hut Heru stayed in her joyful and loving form and didn't transform to the Eye of Ra.

In many myths, she had many lovers. Most notable was Heru Sa Aset, her name literally means "House of Horus." In this way she was also a creation goddess, because Amun masturbated to create Tefnut and Shu and the hand he used was Hut Heru, his feminine form.

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