The Ahuiateteo are aztec gods symbolizing over-indulgence, pleasure and the consequences thereof. Each of them represent morale and show people how moderation is a good thing. They are five gods representing different ways of excess, and you can see them like the aztec version of the seven deadly sins, except they're only five (a/n: wow yay me i can count). The Ahuiateteo are the ones in charge of the punishment given to the ones that commit those "sins". All of their names begin with Macuil, which means "five".
Macuilcuetzpalin is one of the gods of pleasure. His name means "five lizard", and he can take the form of one.— MACUILMALINALLI!
He is the other god associated with pleasure. His name means "five grass" and he is sometimes represented adorned with grass.— MACUILCOZCACUAHTLI!
Macuilcozcacuahtli is presented as the god of gluttony in some myths. His name means "five vulture" and he can take the form of one.— MACUILTOCHTLI!
Macuiltochtli is also part of the Centzon Totochtin, the four hundred rabbits which were all gods of drunkenness. Therefore he is a god of drunkenness and his punishment. His name means "five rabbits" and he can take the form of one.— MACUILXOCHITL!
According to sone myths, he is the chief of the Ahuiateteo. His name means "five flower". He was once one of Xochipilli's aspects until he split himself from the god's true self. He's the god of gambling, music and hallucinogens flowers; but also is related to feasts, hemorrhoids, souls and voluptuousness. However, these were his features when he was still one of Xochipilli's aspect, so his cult is focused on gambling and music only.
RandomMYTHOLOGY (noun.) 1. a collection of myths, especially one belonging to a particular religious or cultural tradition. 2. the study of myths ─ IN WHICH THE ADMINS GIVE YOU INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THE MANY BELIEFS OF MULTIPLE MMYTHOLOGIES ( updates...