I went and sprawled out on the couch and watched the Teen Wolf marathon until Mike came home. He came in and threw his backpack on the couch and jumped in my lap.

"Hey, get off. I may be older, but I'm not heavier." I commanded him.

"Sorry." He smiled slyly.

"Mom said she's taking us to the store with her when she gets home." I told him.

"Okay. When will that be." He asked.

"I don't know." I shrugged.

"Do you know what time dad gets off?" He asked nervously.

"No." I said flatly.

He got up and went to his room, it wasn't long before the door closed and locked. I knew what he was doing. I waited until Teen Wolf went off before I got up and headed to mine. I went inside and closed the door and played music. I didn't hear the front door open.

I was sitting in the middle of my bed when the door opened. Shit, I forgot to close it. In walked my dad with an angered face plastered on. He came over and hit me upside my head.

"What the hell are you doing getting suspended again?" I didn't answer. "You better say something before I kick your ass."

"I got into a fight." I blurted out.

"A fight? Oh so you think you're tough or something? Well get up and fight me." He back away and held up his fists.

"No." I silently said.

"What?" He screamed again.

"No." I said even louder.

"No? Boy.." He couldn't continue Mike came in and jumped on his back.

"Leave him alone." He yelled as dad moved around the room.

"Get the fuck off of me." He ran against the wall and knocked Mike off.

He was going over to Mike and was getting ready to punch him when a door opened.

"Mike? Vic?" Mom called.

We both ran from the room away from dad. We went to the front room and hugged and kissed her. She smiled sweetly and we hurriedly lead her to the car so we could go to the store.

When we got to the store, me and Mike went to walk around. We both knew we couldn't go back to that house. Mike left me to go talk to some chick and I walked around. I saw Kellin, sweet, innocent, weak, Kellin. I walked over to him and messed with him a bit, I noticed he stuttered when he was around me. I scared him more before going back to find Mike.

Both of us started to walk around and I saw Kellin again, this time with his mom. She was a very nice woman, she even invited us to have dinner with them. Mike asked for tacos and she agreed. We went and begged our mom to let us go.

We had fun hanging out at Kellin's house, we didn't have to be tensed and on edge all the time. He seemed annoyed that we were there, I didn't want him to be scared of us. I went and talked to him some, and he kind of relaxed.

When it was time to eat, me and Mike couldn't wait. Tacos were our favorite food, I mean we are Mexican. When we started eating Kellin's mom began to question us. We didn't mind his mom's questions, she was just trying to make conversation. It was one question in particular that stood out.

"What does your dad do?"

Me and Mike didn't really want to answer it. We hated our dad, he abused us and used us. I hesitantly answered though. When it was time for us to go home me and Mike didn't want to. Kellin dropped us off and left before we went inside. Mike opened the door and snuck in and I followed close behind. When we reached our rooms and locked them was when it all started.

Cemetery Weather (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now