Sandra: Soooo is that a yes?

Namjoon: Count as in!

They all went to the nearest club together after greeting eachother properly. Once they arrived they noticed the place wasn't packed, but wasn't empty either.

Tae: I can't believe you sneaked her in

Suga: Yeah how you do it?

Sandra: *shrugs* I know people

Cristal: She's just an evil little thing

Sandra: I appreciate your sweetness

They all stayed sitting together for a while, but what they saw next caused them to separate. They were chatting having a few drinks ( except for Karen) and laughing when Sandra noticed something. She turned to the entrance and there she saw the people she least wanted to see. Christopher was walking in with Bianca attached to him. Zabdiel with Sofia and Erick with Camila. Richard and Joel were following behind, Vanessa and Kendall behind them.

Sandra elbowed Cristal who was giggling with Namjoon and her eyes widened. The rest noticed and turned to see what they were staring at. They saw as they all walked towards their table Richard and Joel now leading them.

Cristal: How are they here? I mean when..

Namjoon: How did they know we were here?

Ash: I might have told them

Cristal: Ash! A little warning might of been nice

Ash: I'm sorry I didn't think they would bring all of them

Joel: *walks up to ash and pecks her lips* Hey babe!

Richard: *squishes in between Namjoon and Cristal and puts his arm around her* Hey beautiful

Tae noticed how Sandra was trying to avoid Christopher's gaze and Bianca's smirk so he grabbed her hand, excused themselves and lead her to the bar. Jungkook being a very protective father to be placed his hand around Katia and the other on her little bump that wasn't that visible yet. He noticed Zabdiel staring and stood up stating Katia needed fresh air and they left.

Karen was feeling uncomfortable with the awkward glances Erick was throwing at her so she attached herself to Namjoon who was startled and confused. Jimin looked at her with confused eyes. Erick grabbed Camila and left right away. Camila turned to look at Yoongi who watched the whole thing and gave him a sad smile. He quickly got up without saying anything and disappeared.

This left Cristal, Richard, Joel, Ashley, Karen, Namjoon, Jimin, Jin, and Hobi at the table. There was an awkward silence until Joel noticed something while playing with Ashley's hand.

Joel: Woah! This is nice since when do you have it I never noticed it before

Ash: *confused* What do you mean?

Joel: The ring

Hobi looked up right away when he heard the world ring and smiled when he saw the diamond heart shaped ring on Ash's finger. Cristal analyzing everything.

Ash: Stop playing dumb *rolls her eyes*

Joel: Why are you being mean I just asked a question

Ash: I know you-

Cristal: I got it for her

They bothed turned to look at her Hobi as well. Ashley frowned confused and Hobi was shocked. Cristal gave him a look and he seemed to understand what she was doing.

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