What it means to be a Lunar..or the friend of a Lunar

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I don't think I began to tell you about the dear Lunar Clan other than the fact that they are insanely successful and incredibly rich. So, you may be wondering why they were in need of seventeen houses when I have only spoken of  the five members of one household. Contrary to what one would believe the Lunar's are extremely fortunate but not in a I will throw my money away just because I can type of way. For instance, one family member alone has a net worth of 1.4 billion dollars over their head.

Now,before you start zooming in 100 mph into la la land ....no they are not planning on adopting any kids. I have asked them...lets seeeeeee...everytime I pass the threshold also known as the front door of their mansion. And yes, its that intense I even threw in the option of free child labor. I am not even joking! But back to what I was saying the biggest house out of the 17 houses consists of: Chrisel Lunar, Rochelle Lunar, Christian Lunar and his two sisters in addition to his mysterious never present uncle. Mind you, the house comes with 12 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, a bar room,  in and out door pool, 2 sports rooms that I have seen. And the other seven rooms I'm just going to count as miscellaneous because I haven't seen them yet or eavesdropped hard enough to know more about them. Yes, to be on the safe side the mansion is enormous and no matter how many times I come over I never fail to get lost in this huge house.

As far as the other mansions go each mansion has 8 family members in it . They each have 10 bedrooms, 8 bathrooms, 1 kitchen and a bar room, a sports room, an outdoor pool, and 5 miscellaneous rooms ....which like I said before I have to increase my eavesdropping skills. So all together thats 133 members in the Lunar Clan! What I have learned so far about the Lunar family is they are very close as a family even though there are so many of them. They actually know each others names! I also have noticed that they are a very athletic family if they weren't excercising their bodies they were excercising their minds.

Now you might be asking why am I even bring up the dreadful "E" word? Well, currently I am in the backyard with Christian getting my butt handed to me literally. I must say right now as I have the acidic sun beating down on my head and my hair drippping with sweat this is my 20th time picking myself up off the floor while Christian has attempted to teach me the wonderful art of defending onesself. But of course Christian being Christian has a more elaborate way of calling such things....what did he call it again..oh yeah..."the wonderful art of not closing thine eyes when an attack is presenting itself". 

Yep, you guessed it thee CHRISTIAN LUNAR has not yet let the whole Moon Pie Gathering incident remain in the past. Like forreal that happened in November and now its February....LIVE YOUR LIFE. So, he insists that I learn to fight incase something like that happens again and he isn't there. But in all actuality that chance is so slim its slimmer than my bank account and I only have $9.83 cents  in there. 

Let me explain! Before you lose faith in all that is Nina I have become a very good fighter good enough to be apart of the boys wrestling team and strong enough to tackle and survive getting tackled on the football team (even though they will not let me sign up because they are afraid I might " hurt myself "..but personally they are just scared that the Chirstian and Nina duo will land them on their carefully manicured lawns). Why am I so sure? I have fought with a number of Lunar's and succeeded its just that Christian is the best fighter in the family other than his mysterious uncle who like I said before is never present. As far as  the Trenton City's finest are concerned I might as well be an unofficial member of the Lunar Clan because I am always surrounded by a Lunar if its not Christian its someone in his family. No one in Trenton City dare mummer anything insulting about me within a distance of a member of the Lunar Clan.....because things would happen to them.


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