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Ehhhhh...I am so glad this first week of school is finally over! The weekend could not come quick enough. Normally the first week of school is so chill and cool but ever since Dr.Faye decided to "teach" at T.W other teachers decided they wanted to "teach" as well. Like for example, Mr.Macros was killing me in U.S History class. He started making pop quizzes for us along with regular quizzes. Like I literally walked into class 30 minutes late with Christian and the only thing that could be heard was the scratching of pens on paper.

 T.W is too posh to consider pencils...honestly I have never seen anyone use pencils in class like ever. I bet you're thinking that's impossible.... not even math? Nope,  pencils are not  even sold in the stores. I bet you are wondering why...well Trenton City is the land of the elite. Since when did an elite ever make a public mistake? Never!! Plus can you even  imagine someone with a more than 300,000 dollars in the bank sharpening a pencil where there is a possibility that pencil shavings might end up on 1,000 dollar jeans or God forbid their hands and TMZ happens to take their picture.........That would be soooo tragic. Lol at least that's what a Trenton City Native would think. So, pens are where its at.

Anywho, back to what I was saying so Christian and I walk into the classroom 30 minutes late after leaving Dr. Faye's class and all we see are groomed faces in shocking pain rapidly writing on paper.....Oh and Mr. Marcos angry face looking at us like he was ready for a kill. I'm telling you if looks could kill Mr. Marcos would have killed me the first time I came to T.W. but thats a whole different story for a different day. So, Christian and I walk to the back of the class and look on our desk and before we even pull our pens out Mr.Marcos barks " No talking allowed Ms. ?" Shessh, right? Talk about wannabe teacher of the year.  Anywho, I pull out my pencil and I let out my signature groan because for one this test was a friggin packet with 24 pages with essay questions....200 to be exact. of course Christian being Christian starts to speak.

(Christian) " Mr.Marcos I was not aware of this so called test."

(Mr.Marcos) " I know its called a pop quiz."

(Christian) " Define Pop and quiz." 

(Mr.Marcos) " Pop is a music genre and quiz is a way of me testing you."

(Christian) " Interesting... this is only an hour and 50 minute class. Why is there 200 questions included in our ' Pop Quiz'."

(Mr. Marcos) "If you and Ms.? came to class on time and not 30 minutes late this wouldn't be a problem."

(Christian) " Oh, but it is a problem."

(Mr.Marcos) "When you get a degree in education like myself then you can question me Mr. Lunar."

(Christian) " I decline the offer but thanks."

**Throughout this whole conversation there is a tension within the class so thick it felt as if everyone was holding in a breathe**

( Mr. Marcos) "  NINA QUESTIONMARK! Do you have anything you might want to add? Since, you have decided to not even attempt to write while bluntly eavesdropping into me and Christian's conversation"

(Me) " Well..since you insist I would rather not do this test. Are we getting a grade on this?"

(Mr. Marcos) "Again....if you came on time this would not be a problem. If you put more effort in coming to class then creating fires and inflicting pain on yourself we wouldn't be having this conversation."

At that moment, I felt the need to look away from Mr. Marcos rude dark eyes. At that very moment as I looked around the room as embarassment and shame was nudging me in the gut. It seemed as if the whole class kicked into slow motion pens started to move extremely slow breathing was slower the climate of the room dropped to 50 degrees and the clock on the wall was spazing out at an incredible speed. In the corner, of my eyes I saw an orange glow radiate around a very pissed off Christian. I saw him blurr out one minute he was near me and the next he was near Mr.Marcos and then the temperature in the room spiked up to 95 degrees and I blacked out. Then, I ended up in the clinic because apparently I had an anxiety attack because of having such an intense " pop quiz" on the first of school.At least, that is how Christian explained it while holding my hand.Immediately afterwards, Dr. Faye came in with a fruity drink for me to sip to "soothe me" what ever that is suppose to mean. 

Like I said, I am so happy its the weekend! I told Christian my weird dream about him glowing orange and stuff because obviously that can't be real. Of course, Christian being Christian just laughed it off and said " I am so honored that you love me enough to pass out from an anxiety attack and rudely remain knocked out for the entireity of second period and still find time to daydream about me." Hence, I had to punch him in the arm so he could feel the "honor". Which made him reply " Don't be mad at me because you love me so much. I woke up like this!" Why am I still friends with his sexy behind.....the world will never know.

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