Dare to cross a Lunar...

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Rebecca Ida and her clones are a prime example as to why it is a horrible decision to disrespect someone who is a friend of the clan. After the night of the Moon Pie Gathering no one truly knows what happened to Rebecca Ida and her clones as well as their families. But oh! Their are two strong rumors milling around the Trenton City's elite.....I promise you each of them are funnier than the first. They range from mild to extreme. But if you ask me I think the champagne was rather strong on that years full moon. 

Here's the first rumor: On the day of the Moon Pie Gathering when the full moon was on the verge of looking its brightest. Rebecca Ida and her clones each received a letter with the crescent emblem of the Lunar clan by one of the many servants of the great family. Stating, that they have exactly till the stroke of midnight to get out of Trenton City with everything they can can possible carry within an hour or bad things will befall upon them. It was also said that everyone in their family received that same warning no matter what age they were. It was said; that after the celebration had simmered down and began to come to a close a festival of colors and sounds filled the streets. A collection of many moving companies sped down the streets. U-Hual trucks could be seen, pick ups, huge middle class vehicles which were never previously seen in the city of Trenton, boxes thrown in haste and disarray, legs for the first time not decked in heels or the latest designer jeans but sweats and sneakers! Shouts like: hurry up and we don't have enough time were heard being echoed on some streets. Honking of horns could be heard as well ...then as soon as the carnival of images and sounds began they quickly ended. With nothing but open doors to expensive houses left as souvenirs of what once was.

The second rumor: On the day of the Moon Pie Gathering Rebecca Ida and her clones as well as their families where exclusively invited to a super exclusive super secretive after party hosted by a high profiled member of the Lunar Clan. Okay, I know for a fact I said the word secret in a sentence. But of course, for a Trenton native secrets are always a way of telling the world how high on the pedestal you really are..SECRETS are not really meant to be secret. Its practically engraved in a Trenton native by the time they speak their first words and if you weren't originally a Trenton native you are quick to learn. Although, no one seems to remember whether the Lunar Clan member was female or male. All they seem to remember is that the voice the particular person had was very polished, clear, knowing, and powerful that only a fool will not accept his or her offer. The most resonating thing that came after that is after the select few went into the more green areas of the city it was said that within the shadows their were beasts and sounds of pain and tearing.

Lol ,who would have known the prissy Trenton natives have such great vivid imaginations! But all I know is after the Moon Pie Gathering; Rebecca Ida and her clones didn't come back to school after the weekend break. Neither did I see their families around the city even once. Don't get me wrong I learned ever since I was a little girl how seriously real shadows were...but that didn't mean I believed in the natives tomfoolery. Neither did I feel the need to ever share the real reason I had scratches, burns, and red marks(which they failed to mention) when the local police found me the day Mr. Brian and  Mrs. Linda Smith died. I know real shadows have variety they are either: slimy, sharp, shapeless,hard, or completely chaotic.

It seems that no matter which rumor the Trenton natives truly believed; they all understood not to mess with a friend of the clan or a Lunar themself. I guess that was one of the reasons that Ms. Delilah didn't mind hearing that I was spending time with the Lunar clan when she was traveling across the world doing interviews and what not. It was all the more reason for her to try to befriend Rochelle Lunar but for some reason everytime she tried Rochelle shut her down. Knowing Mrs. Lunar, I know she did it in the most polite manner but I don't know about the other women in the Lunar family. Since, we are on that subject I also have to say that the Lunar clan didn't really befriend other people outside the family. I can honestly say I am the only friend of the family in Trenton City. Everyone else is either associates or business partners of the family.

In fact, I remember being over at the main mansion one sunday evening after a full day at church. You wouldn't believe it but...... I'm rather friendly when you get to know me. The whole family is out in the backyard eating. Now, before you jump to conclusions thinking its a quiet family sitting where there's a small table with six chairs plus an extra chair just incase a guest comes by for dinner...just stop it ....stop right there. When I say "the whole family"...I mean a WHOLE CLAN! That's right 133 family members outside on a lawn that extends to 17 houses just in case someone decides to break out in a tango during dinner or start fighting on surprise (these things actually happen occasionally) plus one chair for the consistent dinner guest a.k.a me. Even more astonishingly there is always a grand empty chair waiting for Christian's mysterious uncle who has never showed himself yet.

Anywho....back to that sunday night dinner. Dispite the loud laughter, even louder music, countless sports contraband zipping through the air, and the constant thuds of bodies hitting the floor in the mist of fighting. I attempt to bring up the rumors told about the Trenton Clan to :Mr. Chrisel, Mrs. Rochelle, Christian,his two sisters, and the grand empty chair where the mysterious "uncle" should be sitting.

It starts sounding something like this:

( Me) "Mrs.Rochelle this rice is just the best...I need to come over more often". 

(Mrs. Rochelle) " But darling you already come here enough...plus you already know our doors are never closed"

(Me) " Haha....I know!" 

( The Whole Lunar Clan chuckles)

(Me) " Mr. Chrisel, You wouldn't believe the hilarious rumor going around town these days?"

(Mr. Chrisel) "It must be great because I can see that familiar glimmer in your eyes".

***I go ahead and tell them what I told you***

You wouldn't believe that after an immediate silence on that lawn THAT NIGHT everyone busted a gut laughing at those ridiculous rumors! Then after countless tries to sober up Mr. Chrisel finally said " I can't help it if those families deserted there homes for what ever reasons they might have had and they can't blame us for later reconstructing the homes into better homes and businesses" Then the whole Lunar clan erupted with the slogan: "Afterall, we have the Midas Touch!"


You guys know the drill by now hopefully. But I hope that you guys noticed the significants of the pictures that go with the chapters. Ciao! :)

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