Care free summer days....

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I feel as if summer has flown by way too soon. Literally in two more weeks I have to go back to Trenton Williams penitentiary...I mean high school. It's amazing how that ending part always runs off my tongue. You start to question if this is really true. Well, do you like waking up every freaking weekday as well as the dreadful Monday's when your body is all snug and your in the best dream of your life only to hear your EVIL alarm go off. Not only does your alarm go off but at freaking SIX O'CLOCK in the morning. I mean, I don't even think death wakes up at this hour. Anywho....its not like school used to be before Christian moved to Trenton City. School really did feel like jail. The difference was in jail you get a jumpsuit with a number or something. At Trenton Williams you had to wear designer and have a variety of numbers on your dollar bills in hand.

SUMMER was awesome though. For the first time I was alone in the house while Ms. Delilah was in the Bahamas, Rio, or somewhere terrorizing other people with her "amazing" personality. But of course this time I had Christian over a lot just chilling and whatever. It was nice...for the first time since I was eight I actually slept in my bed at night..not Bryne's Cemetery for once. It was fantastic! Could you believe that my bed was actually really comfortable? Like honestly it felt like clouds I would wake up every morning and look around and not have to worry about rushing back home before Ms. Delilah woke up. I didn't have to be in fear of someone catching me running back home in my pajamas at the crack of dawn. I didn't have to attack my body with neosporin or bandages like when I was younger. Although, I have never had dreams before I bet that this is what it feels like. The only set back was Christian insisted in sleeping in my bed with I didn't have the bed completely to myself only the sheets. For some reason Christian has always been a tad too warm for comfort so its no surprise he doesn't like to be engulfed in my Persian blanket. Oh well..more for me.

So basically, all I have been doing is acting like a teenager just a really lazy one if you exclude the fight training. Yeah, you guessed it Christian still doesn't know how to live his life. But other than that things have been great Christian has been dragging me to every party he got invited to in Trenton City. I can honestly say this summer I went to 25 parties, 12 sport events, 6 grand openings and a few of the other houses other than the main Lunar mansion. Sadly...I still have no idea what's in the 5 mysterious rooms or the 7 other mysterious rooms in the main lunar mansion. But ohhh did I try so hard to find out.

But all I have gotten the chance to scrape up is that Mr.Chrisel really respects the mysterious never present uncle Lunar. The houses were actually inspired by the 'mysterious Uncle". Oh, and that the Uncle actually exists and its not like those creepy things that people do. You know what I mean. You know the whole so-and-so died like a billion years ago but I still leave a plate full of food for them at the dinner table. Or worst I make everyone acknowledge him or her so that I creep them out just for fun. Can you believe the whole family cracked up when I asked them if their uncle was deceased as if it was funny? I clearly remember Mr. Chrisel saying "He is very much alive" and Mrs. Rochelle saying "At times it feels as if he is always watching over us." Then she starts laughing so hard its like I told her I discovered bacon with wings! I even asked Christian himself and he said " My uncle is the most serious yet caring man I've ever met." Then I asked them when will I met the mysterious never present uncle and they all said he is a very busy man and I will only get to meet him when he chooses to meet me not before then.

So I have heard a rumor that a new woman is moving into Trenton City.Which is very interesting because the waiting list to live in the expensive City called Trenton really does exist. So naturally this becomes breaking news because apparently this woman hasn't been waiting long on the list at all from what I hear she signed up to live in Trenton on the day of my celebration. So others are guessing that she was one of the many people who showed up then decided she didn't want to be a fan anymore but a member. On top of that unbelievable news she also signed up to be a teacher at Trenton Williams pen...I mean high school and got accepted.Which is crazy because It takes usually three years to get accepted into Trenton as well as background checks checking all through your family tree to get in here.It is seen to be even more intense to teach at the school because you actually have to have a PHD. You also have to had gone to an Ivy league college and of course be richer than rich and  countless other things that arrogant people find important.

So you can only guess how everyone who goes to T.W. has a love and hate feeling towards going back. Everyone wants to know the mysterious woman but are truly dreading having her as a teacher because let's face it who likes homework? But anywho back to Christian living with me pratically during the whole summer. He had made sure since the day Ms. Delilah left for her trip that the house had food. Like honestly, you should have seen how mad Christian was when he came to the house and saw no food at all. He was enraged asking why in the hockey sticks did the house have no food. So I had to lie to him and say it probably slipped her mind to buy food on her way out..because she is usually always so busy. I don't think he believed me but promptly after looking around the kitchen as if I killed 50 cats and hid them in the cabinets after watching a peta commercial. He threw me on his shoulder and into his apple red corvette and sped to the Groceries. Ever since then the kitchen has been stocked with food courtesy of the Lunar's; all 133 of them.

During this summer, Christian and I have gotten closer than before. Even his family have become so close to me that its almost like I am a permanent member of the family I am officially bonded with no looking back. I don't know if it's a good thing or not yet ...but one thing I know for sure is that the year coming is going to be one for the books!

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