The Time has Come

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The audacity this deplorable must have to even develop the idea of trying to stab me with a silver sword. I swear these things are so dull. Do I seem that weak? Or do they have selective sight? I much rather not be fighting for kill so that I can save the existence of humanity as well as the endowed. My brother and I have been doing this for years but it's only been the current 17 years that's been really trying. It did not used to be like this. At first, it was very light, managable a few days of rest, then onwards. Then it got really crazy when I very much so died the most horrible death..well almost.


I was just minding my own business really. Doing my thing I had my business of creating things out of nothing. For instance, you had an invention you wanted to make known and make money out of it.You would find me or I would find you and all of the sudden you would be influential to society and rich without a worry in the world. If you had a house that wouldn't sell I will make it the most sought after peice of land in the world. You would have problems figuring out how high do you want to sell it for or if you want to sell it at all after I am done with it. I could make anything into gold you name it I could sell it or make it great. I have countless people breaking their necks trying to work with me or to know me in fact to the unendowed I am and/ or was THE BUSINESS MAN. I was the person any business major would aspire to be and I am not bragging.

But of course with every endowed being who decides to live amongst humanity it does not mean their existence or knowledge of their existence has been scraped from the mind of the endowed themselves. You see the true reason for my existence is to create peace and harmony;defend the helpless as well as aid in keeping the balance between humanity themsleves, the endowed, and the deplorables. What I did for humanity was truly help out the poor and the needy. I would ruin the evil ones amongst the humans. Since I am all knowing that was not a problem. For the endowed I would work with them to keep humanity from knowing about us and the deplorables.I would occasionally save the life of an endowed being but that was from time to time. Like I have been saying things didn't truly get choatic until the current 17 years..I mean yes there were wars but it was not as frequent as now. It is because there are more deplorables being created than born now. Let me explain.Before deplorables were born. To be born takes time months or years sometimes. At first it was a dozen being born every few months or years. So that created little fights amongst the endowed because no one had a clue what their characters really were....but when we did our true defending skills emerged. Then when Civil wars started to happen amongst the humans we helped the humans create things to defend themselves then left them alone. Then things got really unfortunate and wars got more complex with the humans so we had to really step in. Nuclear bombs were being created, people were getting killed based on how they look it was insane. But afterwards, peace was placed on them and things were well. Don't get me wrong things were still going wrong in parts of the world but it was in a balanced manner. In other words only a few endowed people had to step out and do somethings to bring back peace.

But that suddenly changed when one day I was at my corporate building for my company The Midas Touch. I felt a change in the atmosphere at first I thought it was just me because I tend to change the setting from time to time depending on my mood. But I knew it wasn't me after the 40 floors of my building collapsed from the bottom.Six thousand of my employees died and I thought i did too when the darkness hit me only to be pulled painfully into my inital world and being awoken by a Grim pealing my skin from my already tender body. Asking me what do I know about the girl ? Where is she? I already knew from the violet coming off my capturers hard, sharp, raggedy bones that I was not dealing with the Grims that work for Death but a Grim that has been recreated to be a deplorable. At this time it was too late. After 6 months of the creature pulling at my skin it has finally met my bone and was interested in pulling out my soul to kill me. I was managing myself and attempting to hold it in but I have finally lost my will and was ready to die.

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