When I Thought Life Was Sweet...

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So Dr. Faye ... I mean Fate took my hand and started to glide faster than I've ever seen her walk before. Heck she was running full speed I bet Amtrak got nothing on her. Like I could see everything in the room zooming past me six times, my head felt like it could burst.

I looked forward and there it was the mirror never moving while everything in the room was twirling suspended in the air. Fate acts as if she has no intention of slowing down when the transformed room becomes the width of a stadium.I mistakenly blink, then bam we are in front of the mirror and boom we crash threw it, I feel sharp points all over my body as if a thousand porcupines attacked me while naked. As soon as I felt them the initial pain dissappeared and as a replacement, I felt an extreme feeling inside me, as if a light just flicked on.

As I open my then closed eyes. I see Fate with her body facing me and her eyes glowing brown. She says in her royal, melodious voice,"Are you ready?"

(Nina) "Well let's see I've been attacked,bitten, and shot at...without my permission...and now I finally can have a say?"

(Fate) "Why yes?"

(Nina) " In a non-threatening atmosphere ...other than the fact that once again I'm in darkness, surrounded by stars, standing on nothing at all..."

"That's just GREAT."

(Fate) "Nina....?"

(Nina) "Yes?"

(Fate) "Can you answer my previous question?"

(Nina) " Well since my day just gets weirder and more hellish why not ...the worst thing that can happen is death right?"

Just then a boisterous laugh attacks the space supported by small bright stars. It was like stepping into a galaxy with no planets where gravity has no existence. As the two entities are suspended in the air.

(Fate) *laughs quietly* " Young one your brother is the least of your worries...now would you like to quit toying and learn your story?"

(Nina) *Sigh* " Can I leave?"

(Fate) "No."

(Nina) " Well that settles it....what was the point of....."

(Fate) " This is going to hurt a bit."

Fate clasps her hands to Nina's wrists and automatically their eyes click as they stare deep into each others eyes. Their bodies begin to hoover in a circle, they start to whip around in a circle as gusts of wind hit their bodies. As Fate's robe flaps around along with their hair. Light releases from their open eyes and through their ears and mouths. The light begins to radiate out of their skin creating a blinding orange light to encompass the atmosphere where petite stars are the only light source.

Meanwhile, Nina feels as if her body has touched the sun..she is scorching. Her mind is becoming fuzzy and she is becoming nauseated. She wants to scream but her lungs are on fire and she can't. Then when she thinks she is ready to pass out it all stops.

She hears Fates royal voice in her head before she sees her.

(Fate) " You might not like what you are going to see or hear but it will make you stronger....you will forgive...and you will fight."

Fate shows herself in her red robe. But Fate looks different now. She no longer has the mysterious look on her face. She doesn't look like she is preparing for battle or uncovering anyones fate. She looks chill. Fate looks like any ordinary woman in a ponytail....but she isn't an ordinary woman at all.

(Nina) " Where are we?" " You look so different."

A woman walks up to Fate in sandals and a royal blue cape she looks sorta familiar. She has a lunar eclipse symbol tattooed inside her wrist.

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