Uncle Lunar makes his appearance

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So I'm at the Lunar Estate and if I never said the Lunar's were full of energy before or gave enough examples. Today surely will cut the cake. Imagine 133 people running on one side of the street in and out of 17 different houses. Now picture hearing 133 mouths screaming directions, laughter, insults,demands, and all saying "Hi Nina". Now there is 266 feet and legs swinging sounding like a marching band on a rather quiet living area. Don't stop there everyone of those 266 hands are carrying everything from food, furniture, and miscellaneous.

So, since I have that extremely infectious disease that a vast majority of people have defined as the word noisy. I rush around asking everyone that passes me where Christian is until I find him in the back yard.

(Me) " Hey You! Right there with the face!"

(Christian) " You know calling someones name is more attractive than screaming hey you."

(Me) **chuckles** "Good thing your not attractive."

(Christian) ** laughs loudly** " I love it when you try to seduce me with your words."

(Me)** busts a gut laughing** " Your think your so funny. SO.....what's going on... why is everyone running around crazy like your mum made her famous red velvet cake and hid it?"

(Christian) "Well..you wouldn't believe it if I told you...."

(Me) " Ermmm....I know you didn't just send me a cliff hanger that happens in stories not real life."

(Christian) **chuckles** "Guess?"


(Christian) **Busts out laughing then sobers up a bit** " Uncle Lunar is coming home for a while for vacation. Everyone wants everything to look nice for his arrival."

(Me) **whispers** "You mean he actually exists?"

** Angelic chuckling is heard out of no where**

Nina looks behind her shoulder only to find Dr.Faye in a lime green spring dress from the Lauren Conrad collection.

(Dr.Faye) " Why Hello Nina!"

(Me) " Hiya Dr.Faye you always seem to just pop up out of no where."

(Dr.Faye) **Chuckles** " What can I say it's a habit."

(Nina) **Chuckles** "It's funny I have gotten used to it.....I no longer jump fifty feet in the air everytime you arrive."

(Dr.Faye) ** Voice turns serious** "That is the point young pupil." "So.. I overheard you are very curious about my dear brother-in-law."

(Nina) ** shurgs** " Yeah, I always assumed he was dead."

 ** Both Dr.Faye and Christen bust out laughing**

(Dr.Faye) " Why that's impossible...."

(Christian) "What she means is he wouldn't becoming over if he was dead."

(Dr.Faye) "Well..since you are so curious you should stay for dinner so you can meet him. I have told him that you are very interested in meeting him. So, naturally he is interested in meeting you as well."

(Nina) " Well since Chrisitan's Mum is cooking. I don't mind if I do and I can hardly wait."

Dr.Faye pushes Christian and Nina inside and as soon as they get inside the mansion. Heavy rain starts to fall from the sky and wind begins to hit the trees. All signs of a calm spring afternoon washed away in an instant.

(Dr.Faye) " I know you young ones didn't assume you would be laying outside until dinner while I help clean inside the house with the servants?"

(Christian) **In an upbeat voice** "Of course we wanted to be your slaves till dinner..after you already assigned us a boat load of homework for tonight? Isn't that right Nina?"

(Nina) ** giggles, speaks in equally upbeat voice** "Well of course Christian! Being lazy was the last thing on our to do list."

(Dr.Faye) **giggles, and hands Christian and Nina cleaning supplies** "I honestly love your personalities!"


Six hours later... 

(Nina) **In a tired voice** "Please remind me to never show up at your house. When your Mum and your Aunt decide to redecorate and clean."

(Christian) ** Equally Tired voice** " Remind me to stay over your house..when that happens again."

( Chrisel ) ** Clears throat** " Children you know those same women you just discussed do not appreciate your conspiratorial ideas being spoken at the table."

(Rochelle) ** Laughs** "Faye it's so funny that they think they can hide from us."

(Dr.Faye) ** Laughs** "Remember when we used to be young and dumb?"

(Nina) " So...why is eveyone actually sitting still and being quiet and haven't eaten yet?"

(Christian) "Oh, we are just waiting for the arrival of Uncle Lunar before anything happens..it's sort of tradition."

(Nina) " So, what are we waiting for exactly......."

At that exact moment all of the lights in all 17 houses turned on and casted light onto the vast lawn. The back door of the Main Lunar mansion flew open and a very polished,clear,knowing, and powerful voice shoots out of the doors,

" Hello Family it's been awhile since we have been all together like this."

(Christian) " Does that answer your question?"

Nina turns her head towards Christian.

"What question?"

Nina turns her head again and suddenly sitting in the seat next to her is a man with dark knowing eyes. But the creepy thing was the eyes looked very familiar as if she has seen it all her life.

" Hello, Little sister it's been 17 years too late."

Then everything went black.


** Uncle Lunar as the amazing Morris Chestnut**

Hey you guys I hope you are enjoying the insanity that has been building up so far. I am enjoying wiritng it so far. Please vote, comment, like..and inbox me what you think I promise I AM SUPER FRIENDLY.


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