New experience

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****The lovely Lady attached to this chapter is not Rochelle sorry but is Death's wife.***

Today is the all I am thinking of as I look into my husband's dark playful yet loving eyes. As he gives me the strength through his embrace to face the world I only get the chance to witness partially. I only witness this world through a mirror or half of my being but now with his support I can experience it as well as touch it.

But this is not a pleasant visit or a mere travel. This whole experience has the capability to make or break things. I am so powerful I could create a complete shift in the balanced weight between humanity and the endowed. I know my job is very important and right now I have to go to an extreme I never experienced before for a girl. But of course this girl is not just any plain human. If  we don't protect her and guide her properly all can become damned. I am not even taking this lightly.

As a grand Ivory door appears out of nowhere in the room that seems to have no ending or beginning. I again try to mentally prepare myself. My husband turns me around so I am facing the door with its countless engravings mixed with new languages as well as old. He wraps his arms around my waist as my body presses firmly to his front. His chin lays on my head as his seriousness starts to settle onto me and the atmosphere around us begins to turn cold. He begins to speak: " My love, do not be worried just think of it as something you simply must do. You out of all people know how things might become if you don't interact with the girl. Would you really like this place to be as crowded as it already is with humans and the endowed as well? We already know the capabilities of the possibility; we have both seen them with our own eyes. Protect her, guide her, so that these events cease. We both know that there is a time for all things and the balance is being forced more than ever."

(Wife) " Yes dear, I very much know that. But what if I accidentally change someones life entirely and change the balance of things altogether without knowing?"

(Husband)  " Then it will happen. But I know it won't happen because you are very strong, powerful, and married to one of the most powerful beings ever created!"

(Wife) *Chuckles* "I have no idea how you turned this conversation into something about you!" The atmosphere in the room changes to playful as the rooms temperature turns warm.

(Husband)*  Playfully laughs along* "Well, I just couldn't help it. After all, what is more interesting than Death himself? What is more life altering than death?'

(Wife) "ha ha ha, you are right."

(Husband) " I know I am right, I am a knowledgeable being. Now run along...what is the worst that can happen....death?" His wife turns back around and hits him on the chest for his light-hearted tone.

(Wife) " That is not funny quit teasing me before I change you."

(Husband) * Laughs boisterously* "You know you love me too much to do that my leave." He turns her around to face the door and gives her a slight push. " See you later love!"  As the door clicks open with a gust of wind as white fog begins to appear in frequent measures.She turns back around and holds onto her husband and gives him a deep kiss. " Later, Death!" Then, she swiftly turns around and exits through the ancient door as her husbands boisterous laughter starts to echo in the distance as the sound of the night captures her ears.

She feels the wind brushing along her face as the earth gasps from recognition of her powerful presence. All that can be seen are colors of gray, black, and white. The bowing of tombstones that range from young to old in age. As the soft mummers of the dead show their respects to the wife of the very one that's put them where they lie. As she looks to her right she sees a teenager with wavy hair and slim build sleeping soundly under a tree with only a heavy blanket, pillows, and grass to give her comfort.

She silently continues to walk out of Bryne's Cemetery as the powers within her stirs as they begin to identify the girl and great anticipation takes its place. She quietly walks two blocks down  till she passes 22 Morrison street where she pauses for a bit to shake her head and glare in anger. Then continues to trot two blocks more till she gets to 24 Dorset Drive and rings the bell.

*The maid opens the door *

(Maid) " Hello,Good evening. How may I help you?"

(Death's wife) " It is very good I agree! Do get Mrs.Rochelle Lunar for me please."

(Maid) " Madam, does not accept visitors at this time...especially not near the crack of dawn."

(Death's wife) " Well, I will be an exception. Tell her she has family waiting at the door." The maid believes she sees a flash in the woman's eyes, closes the door, and hurries to go get Mrs.Rochelle. She goes up into the staff elevator and walks down the long hallway till she reach's a brown double door and knocks rather timidly. The door immediately is opened by Mrs.Rochelle who looks rather unhappy about the interruption but still she remains kind in waiting for an explanation on why she was awakened.

(Maid) "Pardon Madam, I am truly sorry for waking you at this hour but a strange woman is at the door saying that she is family and she is asking for you."

(Rochelle) " No worries my dear go to bed. She is not strange at all she is like family. I will go see to her." Rochelle waits till she hears the maid go down the long hallway, the elevator, and then her living quarters. She excitedly makes her way down the very same hallway and down the stairs as fast as lightening until she gets to the french doors. She opens the door with a huge smile on her face.

(Rochelle) "Hello old friend!"

(Death's wife) "Hello my sweet friend."

(Rochelle)" It has been awhile.It is like you to show up uncontrollably."

(Death's wife) " Ha ha, well you know that's my job..although I must tell you your maid is due to die tonight."

(Rochelle) "Oh dear...your husband is such a busy man,"

(Death's wife) "I know but don't worry she was a good woman. Her death will be painless. SO, are you going to bring me to my room."

(Rochelle) "Well of course, we have plenty to catch up on I wish it was on better terms."

(Death's wife) "Well..yes..but if things go according to me it will be." Both of the woman walk towards the stairs towards one of the seven scarcely used rooms. One of the rooms start to react as the women move nearer to it by releasing white fog at the bottom.

(Rochelle) "It seems like your husband has left you something to make you feel more at home."

(Death's wife) "It seems he did."

The women open the door to see a huge mirror with ancient writing on its edges that sort of clashed with the persian inspired decor of the room. Rochelle and the woman take a seat on the sofa as the door closes by the flick of Rochelle's wrist as they get comfortable for a long awaited chat.

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