So..I met the Grim Reaper...

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Hey People! It's J please comment,vote, and like! I would love to know what you guys think and like and are looking forward to.


Walking down the errie dirt path there was this feeling of being watched..many sets of eyes appeared and some would vanish and several more would show..suddenly out of nowhere I feel a rushing pass of air behind me. My senses started picking up and alerting me to turn around as soon as I turned just before the entity attacked it colllapsed dead right in front of me. Continuously this happened as I would run deeper down the path coming to a clearing and at the end of this clearing was the Grim Reaper who didn't seem all that menacing when I approached him. His voice was really ghoulish but for some reason it seemed really friendly to me. 

(Grim Reaper) " Welcome Madam..It's a pleasure to finally meet you face- to- face. Like I have been watching you ....but you know it's not the same."

(Nina) "OH MY GOSH...DID I  JUST DIE!!!"

(Grim Reaper) **Busts out laughing** " HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...OH you were serious....oh yeah I knew I forgot to tell you something...."

(Nina) " I didn't even get to touch the red velvet cake and it was right in front of me....DANG IT!"

(Grim Reaper)**chuckles** " You are not dead haha ..silly one...Sire just wants to see you is all."

(Nina) " OMG....Nina wake up! WAKE UP! "

(Grim Reaper) " Haha you are so comical...I hope you visit more often...I can't wait to tell everyone!" "Follow me Madam...oh and do not worry you are safe here anything that trys to attack you will all meet a painful death."

So of course when you are in a strange place with an over zealous Grim Reaper with a confused humor you follow him. I can't wait to tell Christian the dangers of making me wait to eat..if I ever make it back to civilization. Oh and since my luck is so strong the whole while I am walking after this skeleton in a cape. It seems as if I have been walking for miles and miles but yet the scene never changes. It's as if I haven't moved an inch. While I'm walking I am wondering if days have gone by. I wonder if anyone misses me? I wonder if Ms.Delilah is screeching her lungs out when she noticed I never cleaned the house after she told me to because...MTV cribs was going to drop by our house. I wonder if the Lunars are flipping every rock in Trenton City trying to find where I dissappeared to. If in fact I am not dead. Like did I really see Uncle Lunar or was I dreaming? Did he mean it when he called me his little sister?

The worst part about this little walk was that occasionally a weird abomination would jump out of no where and try to attack me. But just like the Skeleton promised me they never touched me. As soon as they tried they would get about five inches from me then get pushed far away in a green flame screaming in pain. Well... at least I can say things never got boring or too quiet. Of course everytime it happened I would let out a "classy soprano" like scream and everytime the Grim Reaper would clap and laugh.

We finally reached a purple door that seemed to have fell from no where. 

(Grim Reaper) " Now, we are going to go through this door. Please be very careful young royal...Sire, will truly kill me in the green flames if you get so much as a scratch."

(Nina) "Ohhh a door so dangerous."

(Grim Reaper) " I knew you would be brave!" "Hold on to my cape and don't let go,"

And sure enough when I took hold of his cape and he stepped thorough that door. I felt like if I did not die before surely I definitely will now. I felt like too much was happening around me and too me. First I felt like my body was moving forward way too quicker than a plane or a rocket. Then I felt like my body was breaking into little atoms and not only did I feel it I could see it my hands holding onto the cape for dear life looked normal. But my wrists was looking tragic. My skin was peeling before my eyes my fat was falling off my bone and then in one blink I saw it all desinergrate. So I decided to just close my eyes and scream.

Then after all of that everything stops but I'm too scared to open my eyes.

(Grim Reaper) " can open your eyes now we are here. You didn't get hurt did you....that would be very bad for me."

Amazingly my body looked normal like nothing happened if not more stronger and alert.

(Nina) "Ooohhh of course not..if you don't count mentally..if you do I am mentally scarred for life."

(Grim Reaper) " You and the jokes again..hahaha."

(Nina) " So.....I don't see anything.....just darkness."

(Grim Reaper) "It's not what you's what you feel.That is what will direct you."

Would you believe that Psycho dissappeared right after that! Not only did he dissappear he vanished after saying some crazy Disney shiz! WHAT THE FIGS! What am I going to do? life just gets better by the minute. Not only did my freak out session not fully complete its cycle. Out of no friggin where I started to hear loud behind huffing and screams in pitch dark. Imagine being in a box of darkness not being able to see anything but hear and what you hear is skin crawling sounds. Yep that was my life right now. I could literally die until I realized a weird persence that had my whole body literally screaming. I couldn't see it but holy smokes I could feel it and it was hella massive and scary. More scary than the idea of me being in total darkness with no protection.

So I felt running was the only thing that seemed to make sense. Where I had no idea. For what was a question all by itself. I ran past textures and temperatures. One moment I felt like I was scorching hot and about to bake but I didn't have the time to shed my clothing or to figure out why. I believe they call it fight-or-flight. Well I was fighting alright..for my life. Then I flet like I waas cold like freezing like I was about to turn into an ice cube but I kept on running. Then I felt as if I was running in somethings mouth. I felt something pointy graze my calf but I wasn't crazy enough to stop and smell the roses. Especially, after I felt like a whole bunch of drool fell onto my hair. Thats when I was really hauling behind. Then all of the sudden like it was mastered by an asshat I ran straight into a wall. Literally! No warning. Nothing.

As I scraped my dignity off the wall a vibrant bright door started to materialize with  words. But I couldn't read them they looked like ancient words then right before my eyes they started to shift and organize into different languages. Chinese, Spanish, Japenese, French and couple thousand languages then finally English it had one word in bold......Nina. 

Just NinaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora