#13 - The Proposal

Start from the beginning

Nico waved a hand dismissively, and Jason paused his conversation long enough to smile at her.

"See you guys," Percy told them as he and Piper exited the apartment. Once they closed the door, he turned to her. "What are we doing?"

Piper shook the brochure out. "We're going shopping for a ring."

Despite not living in the apartment anymore, Percy still had a key. It was kind of a tradition amongst them. Jason had a key to Percy's townhouse - it was more midtown, closer to the Empire State Building for Annabeth's work, and not too far from his mother's apartment so he could visit his 9-year-old sister Estelle - and Annabeth knew the code to enter Piper's high-tech, password-locked house. This made it easy for the demigods to travel between homes, rotating the hang-out spot every week.

They hopped into Percy's car, and Piper drove him down to Greenwich St. Jewellers in lower Manhattan, a jewellery store that sold beautiful engagement rings.

"What's your budget?" Piper whispered to Percy.

Percy opened his mouth to reply, then closed it. He was still getting used to having a job - and money - and actually being able to purchase items. As a child, he always felt terrible whenever he grew out of clothes and had to ask his mother to spend their scarce money.

"Hello, can I help you with anything?" A brown-haired girl approached them with a friendly smile.

"Um, yes, please," Percy said. "I'm looking for an engagement ring for my girlfriend."

Her face broke into a smile. "Of course, we get that a lot here. Any ideas what jewels or style you would like?"

Percy looked like a deer caught in headlights as he stammered something unintelligible.

"No, he doesn't," Piper said sweetly. She held out a hand. "Nice to meet you, I'm Piper. I'm here to help him pick out a ring."

"Hello, Piper," the lady greeted. "I'm Donna. Why don't we start with the classic rings?"

She led them over to one of the glass cabinets. Percy scanned each ring, barely listening to Donna's elaboration on the rings, while Piper paid intent attention.

Percy sighed under his breath. There was nothing good here. All the rings were set with diamonds, or were styled the same way he'd always seen them. After all they'd been through together, Percy wanted something unique for Annabeth.

Piper leaned in to him discreetly and whispered, "Anything?"

Percy shook his head.

"What about setting a new ring?" Piper asked Donna. "How much would that cost?"

"That would depend on what band of ring you want. It could go from $200 to over $1000," Donna explained.

Percy's eyebrows shot heavenward. How could a piece of metal cost so much? Heck, he could have Leo do that for free.

Percy suddenly paused as he retraced his thoughts.

"Piper," he hissed. "What if we just get the Hephaestus cabin to set the ring?"

"They don't have gemstones," Piper whispered back. "But that's a good idea. You can buy the gemstones here, then set it at camp." She made a noise in the back of her throat. "Good job, Perce, you've finally had a good idea."

Percy rolled his eyes and shoved her playfully.

Piper approached Donna again and suggested that they find the gemstones first, then discuss the setting later on.

"Shouldn't we tell her that we aren't getting it set here?" Percy whispered.

Piper looked at him like he was crazy. "Of course not! She'll just spend the rest of the day trying to convince us to set it here, and the service will be lousy."

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