Can you keep a secret?

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Namjoon is REALLY soft in this fiction and he's also short. Maybe around 5'5. I will add more things about him later on! :)

As the bell rings, Namjoon packs up his stuff to leave. It's the middle of school and Namjoon is already starting to feel like he's going to cry. He doesn't know why though. He's been very emotional lately. All he ever wants to do is just cuddle up against his stuffies while crying and suck on his pacifier.

Namjoon is a little. No one knows, but Namjoon likes to count his stuffies and figurines as family with "feelings" so only they know his secret. His age is really young when he regresses. So young that he sometimes regresses into a baby; which is a huge problem since he lives alone and doesn't have a Caregiver.

He doesn't mind his age play, but he doesn't like it either. Without a Caregiver or anyone taking care of him, Namjoon always has to clean up the house since he makes a lot of mess after being in little space.

"Namjoon-ah!" Someone yells. Namjoon quickly looks up to find the P.E teacher and the whole class just staring at him. He blushed and widened his eyes, "Y-yes?" He asked nervously. "I called you over 5 Times." The teacher said while slightly raising an eyebrow. "O-oh! I-I'm sorry!..." Namjoon stuttered awkwardly. The teacher sighed as she shook her head and wrote something down on a clipboard.

Namjoon sighed and looked down embarrassed. Couple of kids laughed quietly then turned back to the teacher. He felt eyes on him, but he was too embarrassed to look up and find who.

The worst thing about a P.E teacher and just High school in general, they make you run like over two miles every class. That's why Namjoon despises P.E class. He sweats like crazy and ends up looking like someone just rubbed snail slime all over him—which is quite a thought. Since Namjoon sweats so much, other students started calling him "Kim Glazejoon."

Namjoon, at first, use to always get embarrassed when he'd hear people call him that. But now at this point, after hearing it so much, he kinda got use to it. Other than being called "Kim Glazejoon" and being made fun of, Namjoon also finds majority of girls swooning over his "Glaze Donut" look. Namjoon had found out that the girls apparently love the way his shirt would get all wet and stick to his body—showing his "muscles" (Namjoon wanted to snort at that comment, he can't imagine himself with muscles), his face all glaze-y and shiny (Namjoon laughed at that) , they just love the look.

Namjoon also found himself with girls surrounding him, begging him to be their partner. All this made Namjoon cringe so bad he could practically throw up. 

As the class finished running 3 miles, The P.E teacher, Mrs. Kim, told everyone to get a partner. Sometimes Namjoon thinks this school is a curse for him; take Mrs. Kim for example. Although Mrs. Kim may look like a sweet lady, but oh is she a tough woman! She yells every time she talks, even when your right in front of her. In the end, you leave with deaf ears and spit all over your face. Since Mrs. Kim is such a tough women, Namjoon likes to call her "Mrs. Rock". For one, Mrs. Kim is as hard as a rock and she rarely shows emotions besides yelling in your face.

In all honestly—and full hate of course—Namjoon absolutely, positively, supertremendical (Namjoon thought it sound good), Highly truthfulness, hate K.H.S, the school he goes to. K.H.S stands for Korean High School. The name doesn't even sound good!! Which makes Namjoon hate this school even more!

"Kim Namjoon!!" Someone yelled. Namjoon snapped out of his thoughts to find the whole class looking at him annoyingly and Mrs. Rock boring her cold stare towards Namjoon. "H-hello.." Namjoon quietly said and waved in hesitation. Mrs. Rock sighed heavily, "Pay. Attention. I won't say it again. If I have to call your name one more time, you're going to the nurse." Namjoon nodded quickly.

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