Jungkook rubbed the back of his head, smiling sheepishly. “Seokjin-hyung and Namjoon-hyung...They told us about everything.” He pushed the box forward a bit.

“We all made a group-chat, and started talking about what he could get you for your eight month. And then we finally decided on something.” Jin explained.

“I called around a bit, pulled a few strings,” Hoseok said with his brighter-than-the-sun smile. “And, well, with the help of a man – who happened to be Taehyung's dad – we found...well, just open it and see.”

Yoongi untied the black bow and opened the small box. He clenched his eyes shut, scared of what he might see. Knowing Hoseok, it might be condoms. Knowing his hyung, it might be a pamphlet on safe gay sex (which he's been on about since Yoongi told Jin that he and Jimin were vibing). Knowing Namjoon, whatever was inside might have already broken already.  And, based on what Jimin has told him about Taehyung and Jugkook, it might be something equally promiscuous. Shit, all his friends were sex-obsessed. 

When Yoongi opened his eyes, a silver key was glistening inside the box.

“Is this the key to Jimin's chastity belt? If not, then I don't want it,” Yoongi joked as he held the key up, inspecting it. “This...this is a house key?” He looked at his hyung in disbelief. “Oh my God, Jin, you fucking didn't.”

Jin started giggling as he hid his face behind his hand. “I did! We all did! We found you your very own apartment! Well, you have to pay the rent, but with that raise you're gonna get, it'll be no problem.”

Yoongi stared in disbelief as his friends started cheering, his mind racing, his heart beating in his throat. He'd finally be living on his own. He'll finally be independent. He'll have Jimin, his Jimin, sleep over, and then he'll make him breakfast in bed before taking him to school. Hoseok will come over to play some x-box. Taehyung and Jungkook will crash there when they need someone to talk to, or a place to just get away from it all. Jin will teach him to cook, Namjoon will help him study. Study.... I can study, finish school, get a decent job, marry Jimin, be a good husband, a good father, someone stable for my little mochi. I'll be a good friend, a hyung to look up to for Jungkook and Taehyung, a fun uncle for the little Namjin critters...

“Fuck, my face is leaking,” Yoongi muttered as he hid his face in his hands, looking down. An overwhelming amount of emotions, of happiness, washed over him, pushing him to the shore where his sanity was waiting for him. His shoulders started shaking as his emotions completely overwhelmed him. When was the last time he felt that happy? When was the last time he had even felt an emotion that strong in the first place?

He's never had hope before, never in his life did he ever truly have hope. He's always relied on the hope of his friends, no, of his family: Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, fuck, even Taehyung and Jungkook were family as of that moment. But, suddenly, he was reminded of his own strength. Suddenly, he remembered that he was more than an ex-addict: he had a stoic mind and a bleeding heart. He had withstood his cravings for eight months. He had learned to trust himself enough to finally place his trust in another human being whom he was slowly learning to love. He never thought he'd be at a place in his life where he would be in a stable relationship with another boy, while maintaining several healthy friendships.

He felt Jimin's strong arms wrap around his body, and Yoongi dug his face into Jimin's neck. “Jimin...Jiminie, my little one,” Yoongi said as he clinged to Jimin. “I'm so happy, so fucking happy, and it scares me so fucking much, what do I do?” Yoongi whispered, his voice small.

“You allow yourself to be happy,” Jimin answered, and Yoongi nodded, allowing himself a few more seconds to regain his composure before sitting up and facing the table.

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