.:10:. ~Angel's POV~

Start from the beginning

"You could have told me there was a roller." I muttered. He started painting in all different directions which made me laugh. I painted over what he had painted and I didn't realise Des was doing the same thing to mine. I pulled a face. I dipped my brush in more paint and hurried over to the other wall and started writing in big letters. I knew Des was going to stop me before I finished but I started writing. Des has a crush on-

"No!" She came over and tried painting over the words as I laughed along with Bret. She started turning around to glare at me but I ran back to the other side of the room. I smiled as I painted my favourite band on the wall messily. Asking Alexandria! Bret started trying to paint sucks with his roller but it came out looking funny.

"You're supposed to paint. Not write. Just because I'm using you for manual labour doesn't mean I want it to be horrible." I smiled turning around to see Des' mother at the door. We all laughed and Des was still covering up the sentence I had been writing about her while scowling.

"We're just having some fun ma'am." I said clutching the edges of the baggy shirt and bowing.

"Yeah, yeah. Nice shirt." I smiled.

"Thank you." I snickered before starting to paint again. Bret painted my hand with his roller and I rubbed the paint on him. "Not cool Bret." We all knew that my arms were showing and the scars but no one was saying anything. I scrunched up my face and painted his shirt. He scoffed and Des started cracking up laughing. I stuck my tongue out at him before moving to the right and painting again. I made sure I was further away from him than I had been before.

Just in case...

"Have fun you three I have to go but I'll be back in a few hours." She walked off and after about what felt like ten minutes we finished.


We all looked around the room approvingly. We had moved a bed that had been down in the garage up and there were already posters up and around the room. Above the bed I had painted Asking Alexandria as best as I could and I had put a white handprint before the Asking. I had been un happy when Bret put his on the other side of the name and then to make it worse Des put both her hand prints under. I moved a comfy seat in front of the TV and turned it on. I ended up jumping on the previously made bed and Bret sat next to me as I flicked through channels. To tell you the truth I never have actually watched that much TV so I gave the remote to Bret.

"Des! I need your help!" Des's mother called and she groaned before going downstairs. I picked up my bag and went into the bathroom to change out of the paint stained shirt. My jeans had paint on them but I didn't really mind. I walked out after a few minutes and pulled my hair out of the ponytail and shook my head. My fringe was still hanging over my eyes and I scruffed up my hair with my hands.

"Nice." Bret said and I rolled my eyes before jumping onto the bed next to him. He groaned as the bed moved and I laughed. I pushed his face away and he fell off the bed. I quickly laid across it smiling victoriously to myself while trying not to laugh. "What was that for?!"

"I prefer a bed to myself." He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I scoffed. "Even then." He laid down on top of me and I made a noise as I started thrashing. "Get off! You piece of lard!" Okay so piece of lard wasn't the best remark but it was all that I could think of. "Lay off the Maccas too!" I pushed him off onto the floor and it almost sounded like he whimpered as he hit the ground. He stood up and realised the paint on his shirt before sighing. I moved over to the right side of the bed and he sat down while I was still lying down. I tried to keep my mouth shut as he took off his shirt and I saw the rippling muscles on his chest and the abs on his stomach.

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