You Can Help Her... Right?

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(Ayla POV)

We had made a lot of progress since splitting up with Talc and Theresa. If we kept up this pace, we would probably make it to Val Royeaux in another day or two. The sun was slowly setting over the horizon casting beautiful rose and gold streaks across the sky.

It was getting late. Way too late. I know Theresa's horse took off like a demon was on its heels but surely they didn't get that far away. They should have caught up to us by now. Did something happen to them? No. Talc could handle herself even with Theresa by her side. It just wasn't making any sense.

I looked back down the path and willed them to make an appearance. I should have gone after Theresa myself. Brooklyn didn't get along with the horses. Maybe the horse sensed her agitation and ran even faster to get away from the perceived threat. Probably not my smartest move. I took another fleeting glance into the distance. If I squinted hard I might be able to make out any moving details.

No such luck.

"We'll stop here." I ordered as I pulled my horse off to the side of the road. It didn't make any sense to get further and further away from our missing companions.

No one seemed to have any objections and quickly set about to prepare a campsite. There was still a few hours of light left. If they weren't back by then, I guess I was gonna go on a night trek to find them. I hoped Talc was alright.

Sure...and Theresa too. I rolled my eyes.


"Will you please focus!" Cassandra snapped angrily as I nearly smashed her fingers with a hammer for the umpteenth time.

"Huh?" I had been casting fugitive glances at the road. We were supposed to be setting up tents together, but the progress was going slowly.

My fault, I guess.

She glared at me holding her hands out of my hammer radius. The peg was barely in the ground, awkwardly skewed by a stray hammer hit, and fell over.

She sighed, "If you had just listened to me in the first place this wouldn't have happened."

I raised an eyebrow, "The peg?"

"No! That girl you keep searching the road for!" She snapped, "I told you we had better things to do than worry ourselves over her whereabouts. We needed to keep her under close guard! Not let her walk freely."

"Talc never would have allowed it."

"Talc is NOT the Herald! You are! What Talc wants does not matter!" Cassandra stood up. I raised an eyebrow at her sudden change and leaned back to look at her. She'd been moody since the meeting yesterday. This must be what she had been so upset about.

"Have you no regard for your own position?! You must do what is best for everyone as the Herald. You dont have the luxury of taking request from your personal guards. That girl puts us all in danger and you just let Talc have her way? It's the height of irresponsibility!"

"Talc isn't some guard-" I began a bit testily.

"She's your friend. I know. We all know!" She leaned forward while throwing out an arm out behind her to indicate Solas and Varric. "But you're the Herald! You must put those things aside for the greater good. We know where your feelings lie, but your duty is to us, the people you are sworn to protect as the Herald." she stressed. She was in full lecture mode.

"I know my duty!" my anger flared as I got to my feet.

"We've only been out here a day and you've already lost the girl." Cassandra didn't bother to hide her disapproval in my leadership abilities.

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