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Chapter 2

I come back to reality with a jolt and pain in my hand. What was that? Was that a memory? Electricity. Pain. Light. PAIN! My hand starts flaring again. Cassandra is shaking me. "Prisoner! Get up!" She grabs me from under my arm and hoists me up. "Each time the Breach flares the mark on your arm spreads. It will kill you."

I stare at my hand again. Oh my word. I'm inside the Dragon Age Inquisition game. How is this even possible. I know this story like the back of my... well... hand. But I guess the marks new so maybe not that analogy.

I look at Cassandra. Before she can continue, I interrupt, "How can I help?" My eyes stare hers down. Unblinking she stares back.

"You are the only one we suspect in causing the explosion. And you just volunteered to help us stop it. Clearly you are involved, but if you wish to prove your innocence you must help us seal the Breach."

With an neutral face I say, "look you may not know me but I swear if there's anything I can do to help I will. I know you have no reason to trust me but I swear I didn't start this."

Cassandra grunted and grabbed my arm to follow her. I stood up tall. I wont let this woman intimidate me. We walk through the town. I've had little chance to gaze at my surroundings but now doesn't seem like that great a time either. All I can see are the angry faces of the villagers around me. Their scowls deepening as I make eye contact.

Cassandra notices and says, "They have decided your guilt. The need it. They mourn the loss of Divine Justinia and the last chance for peace between the mages and the templars. She and their leaders were killed at the Conclave. These people blame you as many others will as well."

We keep walking when an ice ball smacks against the back of my head. I grunt forward and whip around to face my attacker. Cassandra yanks on the chain and I'm forced to keep stride with her. I glared at the person I suspected assaulted me, a small sneer creeping up my lips. But I keep walking, I knew I was innocent and in time they will to.

Oh how ironic it would be once that person realized he chucked an iceball at the future Inquisitor. A small laugh escapes me and Cassandra glares at me. "What's so funny prisoner!" My face falls back into my neutral pose and shake my head. It wasn't worth it. Not yet anyway.

We arrive at a fortified gate. "Open the gate!" Cassandra yells. She shoves me forward through the gate. After a few more steps, she turns to me and draws her knife. "There will be a trial, you will not be convicted solely on the fears of those around you. Other then that, I can't promise much."

She takes her knife and cuts the bindings around my wrist. The chain clanks to the floor. The bindings was tight and my wrists are sore.

Rubbing the life back into them, I ask, "So what happens now?" My eyes drifted up towards the breach. I really wasn't looking forward to this..

"One of the volunteers believes you may be of assistance in closing the breach but it must be tested." I nod and race along the trail. Keeping close to Cassandra. I knew where we were going but I didn't know exaactly where we were going.

"How exactly did I survive the Conclave?" I ask.

"You and one other fell out of a rift. A woman was standing behind you." We were running towards a bridge.

I whipped my head towards Cassandra, "Wait? Did you say one OTHER fell out of the rift?" This wasn't how the story went at all. Two people didn't fall out. Who was it? How? Did this person also have a mark? Ugh i'm only here for a few minutes and I already have more questions then I can ask.

Cassandra doesn't get the chance to answer. One of the Breach comets lands on the bridge as we crossed it. Completely collapsing it. A flash of light blinded me and I felt myself go weightless. The feeling of weightlessness disappeared swiftly as my body crashed onto the hard ground. Oh yeah, I remember this part, time to feel all the ouchies! I grunted as my body fell and rolled to the side. Ouch!

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