Ayla's Showdown

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(A/N, So sorry for the wait everyone! This was my first time writing a magic duel and its such an important moment in the story that I really wanted to get it right! So I hope you'll forgive me for the delay and I hope you like the improved version :) I'd really appreciate the feedback on these fights just to see whats working or whats not. Thanks so much in advance! And now on to the Show!)

(Ayla's POV)

"Seems I owe you some coin then, Trouble." Varric laughed.

Talc approached and I stood to greet her. "Looks like you had some fun."

Talc smirked and gave me a silent nod. She winced a little and brought a hand to her cut was bleeding. I guess she hadn't noticed it much during the fight with all the adrenaline.

My brows furrowed in concern. The cut didn't look too bad. Tweaking my eyebrow, I silently asked if she was all right. She poked her cut and winced slightly but nodded anyway.

-Convinced that she would be okay, I smiled, "You're gonna pay for that later ya know?"

Talc sighed, "Don't remind me."

I had no doubt that the Masters were watching us. We had been training so hard for this very moment. Well, not really this specific moment, but it was the beginning of everything. I was sure they were going to catch our mistakes and make us work hard to correct them.

I rose my hand to anticipate a fist bump.

Talc grinned, "Your turn, I guess. Don't embarrass me." She met my fist and we both exploded our hands backwards.

"Oh gee, I'll do my best!" I said as I stretched my arms up quickly, loosening my muscles.

"Does anyone see Liliana?" I asked.

"She'll be here. She said she was going to get Ritz." Varric said behind me.

"Hmm well, alright. I guess I'll wait out in the middle of the field then."

Solas eyed me curiously. He seemed mildly impressed with Talc's performance. Perhaps mine could be just as interesting.

I strode out into the field and eyed my surroundings. If I were Liliana, I wouldn't make this just a straight duel. No, this was a test. A test I needed to pass.

Guessing this was the beginning of my duel, I began the salute Cunning had taught me. Raising my daggers in front of me, I crossed them. I then crouched and pounded them into the ground.

I heard the whispers of confusion around me. Still no sign of Liliana or Ritz. This would require a different approach. I felt myself pull against the veil as I grabbed hold of my magic. I imagined casting a magical web of thread that I could spread out in a searching pattern, an aura, I guess you could call it.

I would need to find something that seemed out of the ordinary. It could be anything. This would be my target. As I began to search the crowd, feelings of excitement and anticipation permeated the air. I could not sense anything malicious in the crowd gathered.

With the crowd eliminated, I began to search the surrounding foliage. I lifted my eyes straight ahead to see a large patch of forest. I sent my aura to sweep through the trees. I felt nothing but a sense of calm and serenity. I changed focus to the trees directly behind me.

There she was. My target, Ritz.

I felt her tension and her anticipation for the coming battle. I couldn't help but smirk. Ritz seemed frozen amongst the trees. Either trying to remain hidden or to allow herself a moment to study her opponent, I'm not sure.

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