Elgar'Falon and Vallathelan, Meet your Masters

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I slipped into the Fade easier than before. My eyes filled with wonder when I saw the red desert spanning before me. I took a moment to climb one of the towers and enjoy a moment in the sun.

Yup.There was a sun here this time, shining its glorious rays all over me. The sky still swirled in a heavy mass of color, but it seemed more subdued. Almost like a blue filter covered all, blanketing the colors underneath. I bet I was just desperate to feel warm again after all that shivering I'd been doing in the real world.

Oh yeah. I had stuff I needed to do here.

I sat up and took a look around. The creeping river was still there but patches of green grasses were sprouting along its banks. I smiled and waltzed over to the water. I wasn't feeling particularly pressed for time. Id make my way over to the sanctuary soon enough.

I stepped into the cool rushing water and let the current tickle my toes. I followed up stream like I had done before. But now I could get a good look at the red canyon surrounding me. I wonder what stories the rock would tell me. I casually ran a hand over the smooth but textured surface. Little bumps scrolled across my fingertips.

I finally came upon the drawbridge. The rickety wood fencing that topped the bridge was barely visible with all the vines covering it.I tried to look down the road to either side, but each curved behind the rocks sharply. Anything I might have learned was totally obscured.

I shrugged my shoulders. There would be time for that later.

I made my way through the tunnel. The blackness quickly swallowed me,but I felt no fear. There was no need to fear. I saw the forest in the distance and sped up to reach the entrance.

Popping out I saw our sanctuary.

Or at least it would be ours, mine and Brooklyn's, if she would hurry up and go to sleep.

She was such a party animal. Not really, but she looked like she was enjoying herself getting to know Varric. I prayed she and Solas didn't start bickering the moment I left the room though. They weren't going to make this easy.

I walked into the clearing and on the center rock sat Desire. "You were able to enter the Fade quicker this time elgar'falon."

I smiled and sat on the grass next to her. "It will only get easier from here I imagine. This place is just so amazing. I can't wait to explore all of it!"

Desire chuckled, "Yes, I can see how much you desire that."

I gave her a wry look and we both chuckled. She continued, "You wish to show Brooklyn all its wonders. She has an inquisitive mind like yours. Although, it is much different then yours as well."

I smiled, "Yes, we are quite close. I couldn't imagine what life would have been like without her.."

"You both would enjoy spending countless millennia here. But for different reasons."

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