Aftermath of the Crossroads

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(A/N, These next few chapters are probably my second favorite part that I've written so far. I hope you enjoy!)

"What were you thinking, Herald!?" Cassandra shrieked at me. "Do you not realize what you've done!? What it almost cost us?!"

Cassandra was yelling violently at me. I couldn't look her in the eye. I suddenly found my big toe to be the most interesting thing in the whole world.

"What would have happened if Talc had not come to your rescue? You would be dead!"

Cassandra paced back and forth in front of me. I was dead inside. I let all my emotions go. I couldn't confront what I had done. This couldn't possibly be real, could it?

"Back off, TinTin!" Talc snarled, planting herself between me and Cassandra, "I think she understands without you rubbing her face in it!"

"You both said you were ready! Went through this whole charade to prove it. Do you still think you are ready, Herald!" Cassandra shouted

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to hold back the hot tears I felt threatening to form. I quickly blinked them away and shot her a quick look, too ashamed to hold her gaze for long.

"It won't happen again."

"See that it does not. When we are out here we rely on you. If this happens again, the results may not be the same. Any of us could have been hurt or killed." Cassandra growled.

"I think she gets the point, Seeker. The kid is obviously upset over what happened. Yelling at her will won't change anything." Varric stood beside Talc. His voice grated her raw nerves even more.

"The Chantry Mother is further up assisting the refugees injured in the struggle. We must make haste and assist where we can." Solas quickly interjected before Cassandra could unleash her wrath.

"Solas is right. There's no point in us staying here and wasting time beating this like a dead horse." Talc agreed, trying to maneuver me passed Cassandra.

I stepped over corpses and severed limbs that scattered the field we were in. It was difficult navigating through the mess of bodies. So many lives gone simply because I couldn't stop them. What more could I have done?

I managed to find my voice, "Solas will you aid the healers? With this many wounded they will need all the help they can get. Varric, the people will need food and warmth. Can you go and hunt game? I saw plenty of ram tracks as we journeyed here. It shouldn't be too difficult. Cassandra, can you take me to Giselle?"

Solas merely nodded and walked briskly to find the healers. Varric approached me, "Easy there kid. No one would fault you for needing a moment."

I shook my head, "No, the last thing I need is to get trapped in my head. Right now, my thoughts are as dangerous as any sword. If I can keep moving, I can avoid them."

Varric groaned and put a hand on my shoulder, "There are some things you will never forget. Your first is one of them. Even though it happened so fast, you kept your wits about you. That's no small feat. Just pick yourself up and keep walking. You'll get through it. It gets easier with time."

I smiled a bit, "Thank you Varric. Make sure to bring back as many kills as Bianca can find."

Varric laughed, spun on his heels, and patted his crossbow lovingly, "Dont worry. Bianca and I will be bring back enough to last these folks awhile."

"Happy hunting, Shortcake," Talc's voice boomed behind me. She put her hand on my back and I leaned into it a moment. There would be time for comfort later. People needed my help. I turned around and gave her my biggest grin I could. She saw right through my act but didn't say anything.

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