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(Ayla's POV)

I slowly blinked my eyes as the black haze slowly filtered away. I attempted to sit up but my arms gave out and I collapsed back on the cot. I breath came in pants and gulps as a pain jolted down my spine. I let out a slow breath and let my body melt into the cot. I really needed to stop waking up like this. It seems like every other day I get knocked out somehow. I couldn't help but dryly chuckle at my own thoughts.

I thought back to the previous... well, I really dont know how long ago it was. I guess some few hours at least. Anyway, I thought back to what happened. I brought my marked hand in front of my face and slowly wiggled my fingers. The green light crackled underneath my skin. The river of power that surged from me earlier, seemed to calm into a gentle creek now.

I remember looking up at the rift and I saw different strings of magic. Hidden amongst the confused jumble of green threads were flakes of blue power. Popping and bursting, they intertwined with the knot and made it even more confusing. My mark reacted to the new presence in a way I didn't think was possible. What were those blue flakes? More and more this story was changing into something I didn't quite recognize.

I let my arm flop loosely against the cot.

I laid on the cot a few more minutes before I heard the flap swoosh open.

"Hey there Trouble." A deep gravlely voice said.

"Hey Varric" I whispered. "Is everyone ok?"

"You get swallowed up by more Fade nonsense and all you can think about is everyone else. Why am I not surprised." He gave a dry chuckle. "Everyone's worried about you. Especially Sunshine. Though she's been busy keeping Cassandra at bay."

"Are they at each others throats again?" I murmured.

Varric shook his head and lightly stroked his jaw. "You could say that. They can work things out I wager. Its more the girl that I worry about."

My eyebrows shot up at that. "Girl?" I asked curiously.

Varric sighed. "I think thats something you need to see for yourself. Do you need help sitting up?" Varric came closer to the cot and grabbed my arm.

I nodded quickly and used my other arm to pry myself off the cot. Although shaky, my arm managed to hold and I flipped my legs off the edge of the cot. Putting my arm on Varric shoulder I hauled myself off the cot.

As if on cue, I heard the thunderous yells from Cassandra and the deep guttural growls from Talc. I rolled my eyes. I had just woken up the last thing I wanted to do was play olive branch between those two.

I leaned carefully on Varric as he helped me out of the tent. The sight surprised me. A girl with wild blond frizzled hair knelt painfully on the ground. Her head pulled back to expose a white throat. Cassandra's long sword pressed snugly against it.

"She's not a demon!" Talc snarled.

"This... thing!" Cassandra emphasized 'thing' by bringing the sword tighter into the girls soft flesh. The girl whimpered pathetically. Cassandra growled down at the girl, "This thing, came out of the Fade. We must assume it is a demon in disguise. We can not give it the opportunity to possess any of us!"

"Oh really! And what demon would she be? The demon of sniveling? Honestly, It might do you some good to get possessed by a demon of feelings." Talc sneered, "You're over reacting. She isn't the least bit threatening."

Cassandra looked down at the girl who looked up and shook her head frantically. Talc took advantage of the moment to push Cassandra's blade aside and pull the girl closer to herself.

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