Ayla gets a job!

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After I left Talc, I made my way back into Haven. I took my time wandering down the winding pathways. I wanted to enjoy some time alone before I got to my next destination. Since I woke up in this place, I haven't had a moment to myself. It was Herald this, Herald that. It was exciting to be the Herald in a game I loved, but also pretty complicated.

I could feel the smile on my face slowly fade.

It was difficult being the Herald. Back home, I was no one's hero. I wasn't the best at anything. I was always getting passed over by everyone in favor of my younger brother. He was popular and outgoing. He was naturally talented in so many things. A real crowd-pleaser. His charisma let him get away with murder.

I hated it. No one ever noticed me. I was always the quiet one. I always had to work harder than everyone else at everything. Nothing came naturally to me.

My parents wanted me to be a doctor. Our whole family was full of doctors. It only made sense I should be one too, but I was a black sheep. To their lasting disappointment, I didn't have the head for medicine and I chose to become an animator despite not having any real talent for drawing.

Not a day went by that I wasn't being told to quit or get a back up plan by everyone I met. Everything I tried to do evaporated in my hands. I would work my hardest. I would study, telling myself, "if I just worked hard enough," all my problems would be solved. But it was never so simple. I always fell flat on my face, tripping at the finish line.

But here...in Thedas...I dared to dream I could be more than a colossal screw up. I could make all those dreams come true. I could make people see me. Maybe being the Herald was my one chance to prove everyone wrong.

Part of me couldn't help but admit that was why I was keeping Talc in the dark. I know it was selfish and stubborn, but I just wanted my story to mean something. I just wanted the spotlight and for once to not be one-uped by someone else. I just wanted the chance to prove to everyone, to myself, that I was worth something.

I squared my shoulders as I walked. I would have to come out of my shell. No more wall-flower for me. I needed to show people I could be a leader. I spotted some soldiers milling about on the road.

perfect! I'll introduce myself. It'll be easy. I hate talking to strangers, but I'm the Herald now. I have to socialize!

I took a few forceful steps toward them. I puffed out my chest with all the confidence I could muster. Before I could call out to them, they turned to face me and the greeting died on my lips. They were so big and full of battle scars. They had obviously seen more fights and knew way more about war than I ever would.

How could I call myself their leader? Would I really end up barking orders at them? I was a tiny elf. I was 80 pounds when wet. It suddenly seemed that Thedas had a great joke played on it when it had the misfortune of calling me the savior.

I attempted to don a cheerful smile and a relaxed voice. It squeaked a little more than I would have liked. The soldiers exchanged some strange glances but accepted my greeting in the end. The brief exchange went a little better after that. I excused myself after a few moments of idle chit-chat.

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