Talc saves the day... Again

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Getting Up and walking around my room was much easier today. Although my muscles groaned, it wasn't painful. I fumbled with getting my armor on. It didn't look like it had this many straps in the game. Bending and twisting, I finally got it secured on my chest. Reaching down and grabbing the leggings, I jumped and hopped to get it around my waist.It was very snug but still allowed me to twist and bend as needed.

Taran greeted me with a smile. She didn't bow or call me Hearld so that made me happy. I told her that I was going to head to the tavern for breakfast. We would have to chat later. I left my cabin and made my way to the tavern.

It wasn't badly packed with people, but there were enough to make me want to find the nearest corner to hide in. I found the fireplace and settled myself on one of the benches next to it. My back was to the stone which was warm to the touch.

I leaned back and thought about what happened that night.

I had entered the Fade! Like, how cool is that!?

Desire said that Solas knew I was there. How odd that he didn't come over to investigate. She said that he was busy. I could think of a hundred different things that he could have been doing.

That place I found Desire was vaguely familiar as well. Had the Fade drawn from my memories to produce it?

I smirked. Since Desire had agreed to train both me and Brooklyn, we would be able to proceed to the Hinterlands more quickly. This was good as I didn't want to waste any time.

Learning magic within the Fade was certainly easier then learning it in the waking world. Though it would take more focus to channel. It made sense that whatever Brooklyn learned during her training, she would share with me at night. And vice versa of course.

My thoughts were interrupted by a mug slamming on the table. "How ya doin there Trouble? Did Sunshine cast ya into the snow pits this morning?"

I startled at the sound of the mug and looked up to see a beaming Varric. "Good morning Varric. No trips into the frozen wastelands for me today. I haven't even seen Talc this morning. I figured she wouldn't appreciate being woken up two mornings in a row." I grinned with a twinge of mischief in my eyes.

"You two really are an odd pair I must say. How long have you guys known each other?"

I thought about how I should answer. Probably best to just tell the truth, "Seven, maybe 8, years? Give or take. It took awhile, but once we were best friends nothing could stop us." I laughed.

"That's a long time. It's still odd to me that your best friend is a Qunari. Did you have many elf friends as well?" He questioned.

"I was not particularly close with those around me. We conversed and worked together when needed, but I was never close to any of them."I was very careful in my wording. It wasn't an out right lie. I never said the people I was around were elves.

"Interesting.And here I find you hiding in a corner. Not much of a socialite are ya?" Varric mused.

"It takes me awhile I'll admit. All this Herald nonsense certainly doesn't help." I laughed bitterly.

"You dont believe you are the Herald of Andraste?"

"Nope,I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Nickname's Trouble, remember?" I grinned.

"I'll admit I've seen some crazy stuff in the past, but your story has some of the craziest and we aren't even a week into it!"

"Oh the joys of being me. Never a dull moment."

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