Billy Goat

139 7 8

(Ayla's POV)

We begin walking towards the breach. Cassandra in the front, Varric and Solas in the middle. I'm walking next to Talc. She looks so unsure. I can't afford to comfort her here. Thatd be giving away way to many details that I dont want getting out. Not yFet at least.

My eyes gaze up at Solas' bald head. Stupid egg. His hands folded behind his back. He seems quite focused on the Breach. Wait, time to test a theory of mine.

"Oye! Yo se tu eres el lobo! Yo se todo sus planes!" I say loud enough for him to hear. But not loud enough to be suspicious. He doesn't flinch. He doesn't turn to look at me. I feel no rush of magic. He just continues walking. Hmm well either he's very very good at controlling himself. Or he has no idea what I said. Considering I just admitted to knowing who he was, he remained very calm. Most excellent. Spanish is safe... To bad i'm super limited. But it'll be enough. We'll figure it out.

Talc touched my arm, getting my attention back. "Porque le estas hablando asi?" She pauses before continuing "Ayla?"

"Nah, todo bien. Yo hablo contingo despes de este aventuras. Pero, si alguen hace una pregunta. Dije solomenta en penquno palabras." I rolled my eyes, why didn't I study spanish more. Making eye contact again, she nodded her head. Hopefully understanding what I meant.

"So tell me Ayla. How do you to know each other?" Varric asks.

I noticed Solas perk up, but he keeps walking.

"We are best friends. Lived together for a time." I keep my eyes straight. We really need to get our cover story down.

"Very unusual for a Qunari and a Dalish elf to live together. How did that come about da'len?"

I feel Talc turn her head in surprise next to me. Putting my hand on her arm. Now isn't the time to explain that little word. Da'len, was way to close to her real name. Her human name. Thinking quickly I respond, "It is unusual indeed. But Talc came to my clan seeking shelter and we took her in."

Wait...Dalish elf? I'm an elf?? Wait yes... of course I'm an elf, thats the character I always chose. I was a rogue so why not an elf as well. I tentatively reach up to touch my ears and turned to look at Talc. She nods and touches my ear as well. Thankfully we are in the back of the pack or this wouldn't have gone over well. My hands wander over my face and I feel the vallaslin slightly raised. Oh goodie, I wonder who I'm marked for.

"What was a Qunari doing so close to your clan's lands." Cassandra asked.

Stopping Talc before she could answer, "We aren't from around here, its not that unusual for a clan to take in a Qunari where we are from."

Solas turns to study me again. His eyes narrrowed. He moves to ask a question when the Breach flares. I whip my head up to look at it.There the wave of energy rushing quickly towards me. As it nears me I tense up in anticipation.

"Dont panic Talc" I whispered before the wave of energy passes over me.Energy began spurting out of my hand. I screamed and fell to my knee.I quickly thrust my hand into my chest hoping to smother the pain.

I could see Talc's confused and scared face but I couldn't speak. She quickly kneels down and grabs hold of me. "What's wrong?! What is it!!?" she panics trying to examine me.

"Ayla!" I heard Solas yell. He ran towards me dropping his staff. He knelt down beside me and touched the arm cradling my hand. I screamed again as my mark reacts to his touch.

I could feel Talc's anger, see her confusion. She grabs Solas' shoulder and pushes him back. Standing between me and him. "Get away from her!" She threatens. She looked like was ready to sock him in the mouth.

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