Closing the Breach

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We journey up the mountain. The strong winds whipping around us. I forgot how much I hate the cold. Even more so with the cold air buffeting my face. Talc was walking beside me. Guessing where the wind was coming from, I stood on the opposite side of Talc. Effectively using her as a shield.

She glares down at me, "Are you using me for a shield now?"

"Of course. The big body of yours is a perfect wind buffer. Besides you are Qunari you dont feel the cold. Or maybe its colder all the way up there."

Varric snickered at that. "Trust me Ayla its warmer down here as well." I laugh at that.

We approach even more ruins. They scaled to the top of the mountain where the path continued.

"I hope you aren't afraid of heights da'len." Solas smirked.

"Of course not, heights and I are best friends. Its more the falling and splatting that I'm not a huge fan of. I find that most people don't like the splatting part." I counter and quickly scale the rickety ladders.

"I thought Talc was your best friend?" quips Varric. "Careful there Sunshine. You have competition."

"I dont think I have anything to worry about." Talc grunts.

My arms were burning but I pressed on.

"Any ideas where these missing soldiers are Cassandra?" I ask.

"These mountains are littered with mining shafts. They could be anywhere. Let us press on and see if we can locate them." She replies.

We reached the top of the ladders and a carved archway leads to an open room carved into the mountain. My rift radar starts pulsing. "Ready yourselves, I sense a rift ahead."

Sure enough the tingling gets strong and I see the green swirl of a rift nestled inside the room.

Cassandra bellows and charges into the room. Her sword catching the last bit of light before plunging into the room. My twin daggers quickly find their way into my hand and I follow closely behind. Talc's thundering footsteps echo close behind me. Now was the time for her anger to be let loose.

I find the nearest shade and begin slashing wildly. No thought or plan to my strikes. I needed it dead. I heard a familiar twang and the shade I was attack popped.

"Hey that one was mine!" I yelled at Varric.

"Sorry kid, we dont have time for games!" he yelled back.

I grumbled before searching for the next demon. I feel the tingling sensation as a barrier washes over me. It hugged tightly to my body still allowing me to move freely. With this thing on it shouldn't hurt as bad to get hit. Huh, thanks Solas. Its a good thing you are trained in Spirit magic.

Trusting the barrier would hold up against attack, I halt my pitiful assault to thrust my hand at the rift. I see the string of magic connect not only to my hand, but to the demons themselves. I wonder. Dropping the strings that are connected to the rift, I grasp the strings connected to the demons themselves. I hang and feel the string snap. The demons screech in pain and appear stunned.

I take off again and start slashing the next demon. A gray arm smashed through the demon. I look up to see Talc's eyes. A fury there I rarely saw glinted in her eyes. This wasn't at all going how Id hoped. I'm supposed to be the hero, I'm the one who gets to kill demons and theres Brooklyn swooping in to save the day. I'm also the one who has no idea how fighting with daggers actually work. I glare at her and then down to my own blades.

"Is this a new form of combat from your clan da'len? The dancing chicken perhaps? With all the fluttering your arms were making, I'm surprised you didnt make lift off." Solas sneers.

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