Ayla's Nightmare

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(Ayla's POV)

I returned to our camp after many long hours helping those affected by such a pointless battle. Everyone looked exhausted. Varric had already skinned one of the rams he caught and had prepared a simple stew. No one spoke much while we ate. Not that there was nothing else to do but sit around. My mind began to wander. Dangerous I know. The soup was edible, if a bit bland. But that suited the mood just fine.

Talc was sitting next to me. I didn't even notice her coming back. But I was so tired I was just happy to have a comforting wall I could lean on. She seemed to sense I was in a foul mood. Well foul wasn't really in the right word. I was empty. Helping people help me ease the pain and hurt in my heart. But I knew it would never erase what I had done.

"I'll take first watch. I dont feel like sleeping much right now." I said while I poked a stick in the fire.

Solas looked up from the book he was reading a look of concern etched across his fast.

"You sure about that kid? No one would fault you tucking in early tonight." Varric spoke up.

I felt Talc shrug her shoulder and I looked up at her. I could tell she wanted me to take Varric up on his offer. But I couldn't.

"I wasn't the only one who worked hard today. Go ahead and rest, you all deserve it."

"I'll take up second shift to make sure you get some rest, M." I felt Talc's voice rumbling through her body.

"I will take up third watch then." Solas spoke up his eyes drifted back to his book.

Cassandra furrowed her brow as she stood up. "Herald, you should know. I agree with Varric."

"Be still my fluttering heart, you agree with me Seeker?" Varric straightened with a wide grin.

I couldn't help a small laugh through my nose. My lips slightly curling into a smile.

"Yes! Varric!" Cassandra said with a snap. "But that is NOT the point." Turning to me she continued. "Herald, I may have been a bit harsh with you. I must remember this is all new to you and you strove to help those who fell."

The smile the tempted to raise was blown away by her words. I frowned and looked back down at the ground. "You were right Cassandra. I put you all in danger. It wont happen again."

"I think it wise to leave the Herald to her thoughts Seeker and Master Tethras. Rest need not only come from sleep. On Nyde Herald." Solas said with a quick nod.

"Thank you everyone. On Nyde."

Solas, Varric and Cassandra slipped off into their tents. Talc stayed by my side. "You should rest too Talc." I said softly.

"And leave you out here alone? I think I can handle the loss of a few hours of sleep. We've handled worse." She said with a smirk.

"Yeah yeah, I remember. All those all-nighters with school projects." I shivered lost on the memory train. "Still, go sleep. I want to be alone. But I took first watch that way I can sleep through till morning."

"Alright then, M. Make sure you wake me for my watch. I'll be pissed if you let me sleep through the night." Talc laughed and ruffled my head.

"No chance of that. Now sleep. Go." I smiled and threw her hand of my head.

I was left alone with a crackling fire, the insects and beasts of the night singing their songs. It had an instant calming effect. I chose to focus on those sounds as the minutes ticked by. Hours passed and it was time to wake up Talc for her watch. I was a little surprised when she got up so quickly.

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