"Hey Wendy. Where did you learn that healing magic?"

"Oh, I'm a Wind Dragon Slayer." I smiled.

"This is great! It's about time I met another female Dragon Slayer."

"You're a Dragon Slayer too?" I nodded.

"Copy Cat Dragon Slayer. My main magic is Lighting Magic though, being a Dreyar and all."

"That's so cool."

"Wendy, pay attention to the task at hand." I glared at the white cat.

"Getting to know your comrades magic ability is illegal I guess."

"All because you're a dragon slayer too doesn't mean anything."

"All because you're an uptight flying cat doesn't mean anything either." She sent a glare back. "No offense Carla, but the only flying cat I've known is Happy, and you can ask anyone, I have problems with him. Being a bosy bitch isn't giving you any points."

"Ivy please! Carla was only trying to keep me focused."

"And you weren't? Knowing a comrades magic element and capabilities is kind of important. That way I know how to back you up."

"Ivy. Stop bickering." I rolled my eyes.

"Yes Erza."

"Wendy, come here. I don't want you near her." Wendy obeyed and I sighed.


"What is it Ivy?"

"Never invite me on one of these missions again. I'd rather be giving a guy a good time then this shit."


"What?" Erza stopped and turned.

"What is wrong with you?" I glared at her.

"I don't know Fairy Queen. Maybe my brother was excommunicated, my crush is dense a fuck, and I'm being treated like an illness by a flying cat. Should've let me stay poisoned." Erza grabbed my shoulders.

"Don't you dare talk like that." I looked her in the eyes with no expression.

"Why? Because I don't like being alone? You're on a rampage, the nicest thing Natsu's done this entire mission is keep me from falling back on my ass, and the cat is being a controlling bitch. I have no fucking idea where Lucy and Gray are, let alone the rest of our little group." I felt a single tear run down my face. Why was I being such a selfish bitch?


"Will you two hurry up?! We don't have time for this! Unless you want the enemy to find Nirvana." I glared.

"Fuck you!"


"We looking for Nirvana. I'll look from above." I stepped back out of Erza's grip.

"How are you going to do that? You're only a human." I glared at Carla.

"Lightning Magic. Lightning Angel." I got my lightning wings and took to the skies. "Like this bitch!" I went up and looked over the forest. Then this giant spider looking thing came out of nowhere and I headed over to it.

There was a city on it. Must be Nirvana. I landed and looked around, and heard how they were heading to Cait Shelter. I headed inside and started to attack the lovely lacrima that was powering the laser. Needless to say that I destroyed it and then we all headed to Cait Shelter, where we found out that everything was an illusion and the 'guild' disappeared. I acted on instinct while Wendy cried and hugged her.

"Wendy." She looked at me. "Come with us. To Fairy Tail. We would love to have you."

"I don't know if we should come with someone like you." I glared at Carla again.

"I'm rarely there so I won't be there to 'poison Wendy's mind' alright." Then a thought hit me. "Hey Lyon!" He was putting his shirt back on from taking it off earlier because of Natsu and his party comment.

"Yeah." I walked over and wrapped an arm around his shoulder, pissing of Sherry. Gray walked over and put a hand on his other shoulder.

"Whatever she asks you, be careful." I glared at him briefly.

"Oh come on Gray. It's not like I'm gonna kill him."

"I know exactly what you're going to do."

"Jealous it ain't you this time around?" Gray shrugged.

"A little." I smirked. Finally!

"What's going on?" I turned and smiled at Lyon.

"I was just going to invite you over to my house since the mission is over."

"And why do I need to be careful."

"Because-" I stopped Gray.

"Because I'm a huge slut and need to burn of steam and decided that turning to Gray all the time isn't fair." Lyon blushed.


"No!" I turned to Sherry.

"Since when did you decided for him." Sherry started to fumble over her words. "Exactly what I thought." Lyon looked to Gray.

"You've been with her?" Gray blushed like mad.

"Not like that! She doesn't do sex so you don't have to worry about that alright." Lyon looked back to me and shrugged.

"Why the hell not." I smiled.

"Finally! Someone other than Gray!"

"What does that mean?"

"I know all your quirks. I need someone else sometimes you know. And I don't feel like turning to Gajeel this time." Everyone from Fairy Tail stared. "It was at the club okay jeez." We left and Lyon came with me to my house.

"Your house seems a little big for one person."

"It is, but that's what happens when you work two jobs. Speaking of which." I leaned against Lyon. "When do you wanna get started?" Lyon just blushed. I giggled. "Follow me." I lead him to my bedroom, he blushed the entire time. We started at 1 and ended around 5.

"Damn." Lyon said as he leaned against my headboard. I sat up and wiped the sweat off my forehead.

"Been awhile since that's happened. And a new scent is nice too." I stretched. "Well, time to shower. Would you like to join me Lyon? You don't have to." Lyon looked at me and shrugged.

"Why not."

Copy Cat DragonWhere stories live. Discover now